Agenda item


Land adjacent Crompton Road, Asfordby Hill





Land Adj Crompton Road, Asfordby Hill


Outline planning application for the erection of up to 100 dwellings with all matters reserved other than means of access


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and summarised that the recommendation was for approval.


Members raised the following and officers responded :


·         Concern at the Severn Trent Water (STW) position and had they made any comments.

Response: STW had submitted a late response and was satisfied with the proposal and they raised no issues.


·         It was felt that before approving this large application, STW needed to explain the water supply and sewage position for the Borough particularly for villages and those in the vale.

Response: A meeting had been arranged for the following week with Councillors, Officers and STW to discuss the issues.


·         Concern as to access and cars parked on Crompton Road and the need for a link road and could this be included in the outline application

Response: This could be included in the outline application.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·                Dr David Unwin


·                Adrian Stevenson, Lead consultant on behalf of the Agent

Mr Stevenson responded to Member questions as follows:

·           The statutory consultees had responded on flood risk and surface water rates. There were sustainable drainage solutions on the site as well as attenuation ponds included in the development which would guard against flood risk. The sensitivity around car parking was understood and the County Highways had approved the scheme and they would comply with the relevant conditions and policies.  

·           The first homes would be ready for sale by next spring.

·           The integrated parking on the site for generally 2 car parking spaces per property would mean less risk for roadside parking. Turning heads would be incorporated in the plans which were not there now therefore this would be betterment as well as visitor parking.

·           Site traffic would use both access road for a balanced approach to any disruption.


·                Councillor de Burle, Ward Councillor

Councillor de Burle responded to Member questions as follows:

·           There had been no request for a s106 agreement by the community although he would like to see a retail outlet

·           There was concern at the number of properties

·           There was already a small play area at Crompton Road and this would be expanded with this application and that would be adequate

·           He would like to see a wider buffer with the countryside to blend the landscape with the development

·           It was noted that sewage issues were not anticipated due to the closeness of the sewage plant nearby in Melton Mowbray


The Assistant Director confirmed that there would be a 10 metre planting buffer around the periphery of the site to follow the existing hedgerow.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Highway safety, access and deliveries was a concern as was site access for hgvs and other heavy plant machinery during construction and it was felt that the housing percentages had not been well considered by the Highways Authority

·         It was raised that housing numbers in the Local Plan were a guide and they should not feel pressured to increase the numbers for the site

·         It was felt that the needs of residents and people should be put before developers

·         The roads had been designed for a smaller number of vehicles when the original homes were built and there was already huge pressure on the access roads to the existing properties in respect of volumes, on-street parking and turning

·         It was noted that the windfall on the site was 50 houses so the location could end up with 131 homes therefore it was felt that there needed to be good community benefit, a suitable road infrastructure and more negotiation between the Ward Councillors, Parish Council and applicant was needed to secure an improved development plan before approval could be considered

·         It was felt the current proposal could not accommodate 100 plus houses as the access did not meet the relevant criteria

·         There was a proposal for deferral to get more detail on how the site would work and offer the opportunity for negotiation on the plans

·         A refusal was muted and withdrawn on a point of order as there was already a proposal on the table


Councillor Higgins proposed that the application be deferred to allow for discussions with the Ward Councillors and officers to gather more detail on how the scheme will work. Councillor Smith seconded the motion.




That application 20/00470/OUT be DEFERRED to allow for discussions with the Ward Councillors and officers to gather more detail on how the scheme.

Supporting documents: