Agenda item


Members are to review and comment upon the attached Scrutiny Work Programme 2021/22.


Youth Services Update

Cllr Bindloss is to update Members on his investigation of youth services.


The Chair introduced the Scrutiny Work Programme and invited members for comments.


The Chair introduced Cllr Bindloss who informed the Committee he had been investigating the lack of youth services throughout the Borough and wished to provide an update to his findings, which are as follows:


·       Through a lack of supportive infrastructure, guidance and positive challenges a number of villages in the Borough have ongoing nuisance issues and Members would need to consider why this is and consider what the consequences would be if nothing was to be done.


·       When new developments are built there is little or no regard for the provision for youth services making villages less attractive for families to wish to live in.


·       Leicestershire County Council have now withdrawn funding for youth services forcing parish councils to look at raising funds to keep the clubs running and for paying towards the rent of properties too. The local County Councillor, Mark Frisby, had suggested setting up a charitable trust to pay for youth leaders.


·       It would be difficult to allow parents or voluntary organisations to be involved in the running of clubs as there would be the issue of child protection and enhanced DBS checks.


·       Cllr Bindloss and Cllr Chandler are considering how to form a directory of youth provision within the individual villages and wards and would collate this information by contacting the organisations and parishes to establish where their satellites are across the borough.


In discussion, the following was noted:


·       Cllr Child advised that by working together between the local cricket club and the Belvoir cricket and countryside trust, coaching has been provided for primary school children between May and July and this has resulted in a marked increase in numbers over the last few years.


·       Cllr Steadman advised that Long Clawson, Hose and Harby as a cluster of villages share leisure facilities such as tennis and football.


·       Cllr Holmes suggested that developments should be built in or near areas where there are already established youth and sports clubs to encourage more children to get involved.


·       Cllr Bindloss would continue with his investigations following comments from the Committee and consider if the Scrutiny Committee would like to be involved and set up a Task and Finish Group.


The Chair introduced Cllr John Illingworth informing the committee he had decided to compare car parking charges in Melton Mowbray with other local towns:


·       Cllr Illingworth advised members he had decided to take a look at the car parking charges in Melton Mowbray to get an understanding of how Melton compared to other towns in the area in regard to short term parking, long term parking, permit and on street parking. 


·       He hoped to have this information collated by November 2021 and would discuss the findings with the Portfolio for Growth and Prosperity, Cllr Higgins and whether there would be the need to include the item on the Scrutiny Work Programme for further investigation.


·       The Chair asked members to contact Cllr Illingworth with any ideas they would like him to consider in his investigations.

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