Agenda item


To receive a report from the Assistant Director for Governance and Democracy on the Members Allowance Scheme.


(Before the commencement of this item, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor left the meeting.)


The Council elected Councillor Cumbers to Chair the meeting for this item only.

(17 in favour, 4 abstentions)


Councillor Cumbers in the Chair.


The Assistant Director for Governance and Democracy introduced the Review of Members Allowance Scheme and informed Members that an Independent Renumeration Panel (IRP) was established to review the Mayor’s and Deputy Mayor’s allowance and review whether a special responsibility allowance (SRA) should be established for the role of Cabinet Support Member. Mr John Cade Chaired the IRP and, in conjunction with his colleagues, wrote a report with the Panel’s recommendations.


Councillor Cumbers invited Mr John Cade of the Independent Renumeration Panel, to present the report.


Mr Cade informed Council that the IRP was requested to review the allowances for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and the new post of Cabinet Support Member and ascertain whether that post warranted a SRA. Mr Cade thanked the Officers and Members who provided evidence and also thanked the Democratic Services Manager and the Senior Democratic Services and Scrutiny Officer for the support they had given to the IRP.


Members were informed that with respect to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the issues were resources and money. The IRP were informed that the support given to the Mayor had been increased to 1.5 days per week and that additional support would be given for Remembrance Day and the Carol Service. Any further increase in resources would be a matter for Council to decide. The IRP’s remit was money, however the issue had not been reviewed by previous IRPs as the Mayor’s Allowance was dealt with by a different provision to other Member’s Allowances. When reviewing the Mayor’s Allowance, it came to the attention of the IRP that the allowance had not been reviewed since 2011. The IRP therefore believe that the allowance should be index linked to account for inflationary rises. The Council was informed that the IRP concluded that the Mayor should receive an SRA for chairing Council meetings and that this should be the equivalent to a basic allowance.


In terms of the Cabinet Support Member, the IRP understood that the idea had emerged from recent review by the Local Government Association. The IRP was informed that the post was in a primitive form and that it would be supporting a large Portfolio. The IRP didn’t see a dilution in the post holder responsibility and therefore thought it would be justified that the Cabinet Support Member would receive a renumeration equivalent to a third of a Cabinet Member SRA. At this point, Mr Cade stated that it was recommended by the IRP that the renumeration would be for this particular post and that renumeration for any further Cabinet Support Members should be considered separately.


The Leader moved the recommendations of the IRP. In doing so, the Leader thanked the IRP for their review and stated that he was told that if an IRP is appointed then the Council should accept their recommendations. The Leader confirmed to Members that he content that the Council accepts the recommendations.


The Deputy Leader seconded the motion and also thanked the IRP. In addressing Council, the Deputy Leader stated that he is please that the allowances have been index linked and that hopefully the mayoral allowance would make the role of Mayor more attractive and encourage Members to take it on.


During debate the following points were noted:


  • The comment was made that, although the Mayoral Allowance is welcome, the role of Mayor is under resourced.
  • Concern was raised about the introduction of a Cabinet Support Member and that is was an extension of the Cabinet into the backbenches, which would have the effect of inhibiting any criticism of the Cabinet.
  • A Member stated that the role of Mayor is important and that it shouldn’t be looked on as an expense. It would be disappointing if the Council were to be without a Mayor.


Chairman presiding to confirm the outcome.




1.       APPROVED the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel shown at paragraph 8 of the Report (Appendix A) and is as follows:

1.1.              That a Special Responsibility Allowance of equal to the Basic Allowance be agreed for the Mayor.

1.2.              That a Special Responsibility Allowance of a third of the Basic Allowance be agreed for the Deputy Mayor.

1.3.              That the Council makes clear what civic duties (e.g. Carol Service, Remembrance Day) the Mayor/Deputy Mayor can expect additional resource support over the dedicated support received.         

1.4.              That the Cabinet Support Member receive a Special Responsibility Allowance of a third of a Cabinet Member.

1.5.              That, as with all other allowances, these be index-linked to any Officers’ annual pay award.

          1.6.              That these allowances be payable from 1 June 2021.

2.       APPROVED the amendment to the Scheme of Members Allowances to reflect the changes detailed in paragraph 8 of the report;

3.       NOTED the additional cost of the proposals as set out in paragraph 9.1 of the report; and

4.       APPROVED the addition of the Cabinet Support Role Member Profile (Appendix B) to Chapter 1, Part 3 of the Constitution.

5.       AUTHORISED the Monitoring Officer to make any necessary amendments to the constitution resulting from the above decisions.


(15 in favour, 2 against, 2 abstentions)


(At the conclusion of this item, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor re-joined the meeting.)

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