Agenda item


The Leader of the Council to submit a report in relation to the Council’s votes in the upcoming ballot, following receipt and review of the Final Business Plan.


Cabinet NOTED the final business plan and AUTHORISED the Director of Growth and Regeneration to complete the ballot papers for all 17 hereditaments as identified in paragraph 5.2 on behalf of the Council in favour of the BID Proposal. 


Pranali Parikh, Director for Growth and Regeneration introduced the report, in relation to the Council’s votes in the upcoming ballot, following receipt and review of the Final Business Plan.


Ms. Parikh advised that the report before Members followed a deferral of the recommendation from Cabinet on 8 September 2021 and receipt of BID’s final business plan.  The Council’s 17 votes in the ballot represented its 17 hereditaments, as detailed at paragraph 5.2 of the report.  In readiness for the ballot on 28 October the BID had circulated ballot papers and the final business plan to all 487 participating businesses (this complied with suggestions that projects, activities and budgets be available to all businesses within the BID area regardless of the geographic location).  The final business plan also included ballot rules, company structure and composition of the Board.


Ms. Parikh highlighted that the priorities and actions identified in the final business plan complied with the Council's corporate priorities, particularly for delivering sustainable growth within Melton and regenerating the town centre.  BID was a valued partner organisation and if the ballot was successful, BID would collect approximately £170k levy collection each year to support the town centre and businesses within the BID area.


The Leader commented that the BID had an enthusiastic team who did excellent work.  The ballot presented an exciting time for Melton as businesses in the town centre had the opportunity to vote for renewal of the BID.  The Business Waste Collection Scheme was popular, as were events and markets organised by the BID.  Although the relationship had often been challenging, the BID was a good partner to the Council and had helped to ensure the well-being of businesses in the town centre during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Council and the BID shared aims and worked towards the benefit of the wider community.  This was a great opportunity for our businesses to direct how the town centre functions and thrives for the next five years.  The Council supports the BID and wishes it well in the ballot process.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members welcomed the opportunity for the Council to work collaboratively with the BID and businesses to encourage vibrancy in the town.


Cabinet NOTED the final business plan and AUTHORISED the Director of Growth and Regeneration to complete the ballot papers for all 17 hereditaments as identified in paragraph 5.2 on behalf of the Council in favour of the BID Proposal.


Reasons for the recommendation:


Priority 6 of the Council’s Corporate Strategy (2020-2024), connected with and led by our community, focuses on reviewing and reinvigorating partnership structures and frameworks.

The BID is a key partner for the Council in delivering services and enhancing the benefits for levy payers in the town centre. BID levy raises approximately £160,000 each year resulting in the total spend of over £800,000 in five years to deliver the projects in addition to the Council’s services and initiatives. This adds value to the Council’s efforts, ambitions and resources which is especially important in post-COVID times.

Supporting documents: