Agenda item


In accordance with the Constitution, motions on notice must be signed by at least two Members and be about matters for which the Council has a responsibility or which affect the Melton Borough.


Equality Motion 2022

The following motion was received from Councillor Freer (Seconded by Councillor Smith).


Melton Borough Council is committed to promoting equality and creating a Melton community that is strong, safe, and inclusive for everyone.


Social stereotypes and expectations can play a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviour towards people with protected characteristics, including harmful behaviour.


Melton Borough Council plays a crucial role in reinforcing behaviours that do not perpetuate such harmful stereotypes across our communities. As a public body, we must ensure the right balance is struck between the human right to freedom of expression that does not undermine or limit the rights of others to dignity and equality. We must therefore lead with integrity and as an exemplar of achieving that balance.


We must stand together to promote and celebrate a Council that values and respects each individual and treats people with fairness and dignity. To do this we must actively stand against prejudice, stereotypes, inequality, and all forms of discrimination. This includes striving against conscious or unconscious use of outdated norms that have no place within our richly diverse workforce and communities.


I request that Members join me in supporting the following motion:


1)    Reaffirm our commitment to equality and diversity, and creating a workforce and community that is strong, safe, and inclusive for everyone and an accessible environment that values and respects every individual.


2)    Endorse and reaffirm our commitment to meeting the objectives in our Single Equality Scheme Action Plan (2020-2024).


3)    Ensure we foster an environment that gives people the confidence to actively challenge language, attitudes and behaviours that go against our principles of equality, fairness, respect, and dignity.


4)    To ensure that Melton Borough Council continues to do everything in its power to build a Borough free from misogyny and violence against women and girls. This includes continuing to invest in vital services, listening and responding to women and girls about the action needed, and calling out misogyny and sexism wherever we see or hear it.


5)    All Councillors commit to attending equality training.


Simon Cole (Outgoing Chief Constable) Motion

The following motion was received from Councillor Graham (Seconded by Councillor Orson).


The Chief Constable of Leicestershire, Simon Cole, is leaving his post in the spring after 12 years.


I request that Members join me in supporting the following motion:


That the Mayor writes on behalf of the Council to Mr Cole to formally thank him for the service he has provided to Melton and Leicestershire over the past 12 years.


Equality Motion 2022

The following motion was proposed by Councillor Freer and seconded by Councillor Smith.


Melton Borough Council is committed to promoting equality and creating a Melton community that is strong, safe, and inclusive for everyone.


Social stereotypes and expectations can play a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviour towards people with protected characteristics, including harmful behaviour.


Melton Borough Council plays a crucial role in reinforcing behaviours that do not perpetuate such harmful stereotypes across our communities. As a public body, we must ensure the right balance is struck between the human right to freedom of expression that does not undermine or limit the rights of others to dignity and equality. We must therefore lead with integrity and as an exemplar of achieving that balance.


We must stand together to promote and celebrate a Council that values and respects each individual and treats people with fairness and dignity. To do this we must actively stand against prejudice, stereotypes, inequality, and all forms of discrimination. This includes striving against conscious or unconscious use of outdated norms that have no place within our richly diverse workforce and communities.


Cllr Freer requested that Members join her in supporting the following motion:


  1. Reaffirm our commitment to equality and diversity, and creating a workforce and community that is strong, safe, and inclusive for everyone and an accessible environment that values and respects every individual.
  2. Endorse and reaffirm our commitment to meeting the objectives in our Single Equality Scheme Action Plan (2020-2024).
  3. Ensure we foster an environment that gives people the confidence to actively challenge language, attitudes and behaviours that go against our principles of equality, fairness, respect, and dignity.
  4. To ensure that Melton Borough Council continues to do everything in its power to build a Borough free from misogyny and violence against women and girls. This includes continuing to invest in vital services, listening and responding to women and girls about the action needed, and calling out misogyny and sexism wherever we see or hear it.
  5. All Councillors commit to attending equality training.


During the debate, the following comments were made:

  • Councillor Freer was thanked for bringing forward the motion.
  • It was confirmed that inequality can not be tolerated and that Members need to set a high standard. It was recognised that Members can make mistakes but that they need to apologise as soon as they realise the mistake has been made.
  • Equalities training is overdue but would be welcomed by Members.
  • Councillor Cumbers commented that although she agreed with words of the motion she could not support the motion because it did not specifically cover BAME and disabled residents whereas it did specifically mention misogyny and sexism. Her view was that the wording gave the impression that the Council did not care about discrimination other than misogyny and sexism. Councillor Cumbers requested the motion be withdrawn and reworded. In response, Councillor Freer stated that the motion did encompass all the protected characteristics.


In accordance with Chapter 3 Part 1 of the Melton Borough Council Constitution, Procedure Rule 17.5(b), Councillors Holmes, Posnett and Smith requested that a recorded vote takes place on the motion.






  1. Reaffirmed commitment to equality and diversity, and creating a workforce and community that is strong, safe, and inclusive for everyone and an accessible environment that values and respects every individual.
  2. Endorsed and reaffirmed commitment to meeting the objectives in the Single Equality Scheme Action Plan (2020-2024).
  3. To ensure that an environment, that gives people the confidence to actively challenge language, attitudes and behaviours that go against our principles of equality, fairness, respect, and dignity is fostered.
  4. To ensure that Melton Borough Council continues to do everything in its power to build a Borough free from misogyny and violence against women and girls. This includes continuing to invest in vital services, listening and responding to women and girls about the action needed, and calling out misogyny and sexism wherever we see or hear it.
  5. That all Councillors attends equality training.



Bindloss, Browne, Chandler, Child, de Burle, Douglas, Evans, Faulkner, Fisher, Freer, Glancy, Graham, Higgins, Holmes, Illingworth, Orson, Posnett, Pritchett, Smith, Steadman, Webster, Wilkinson.







Simon Cole (Outgoing Chief Constable) Motion

The following motion was proposed by Councillor Graham and seconded by Councillor Orson.


The Chief Constable of Leicestershire, Simon Cole, is leaving his post in the spring after 12 years.


Councillor Graham requested that Members joined him in supporting the following motion:


That the Mayor writes, on behalf of the Council, to Mr Cole to formally thank him for the service he has provided to Melton and Leicestershire over the past 12 years.

