Agenda item


The Portfolio Holder for People and Communities (Deputy Leader) to submit a report seeking Cabinet approval to enter into a shared partnership arrangement with Harborough District Council (HDC) for the provision of private lifeline services and to progress work to develop options for a single assistive technology offer across Melton.




1)    APPROVED the continued provision of private lifeline services with Harborough District Council (HDC), subject to legal approval of contractual arrangements;


2)    DELEGATED authority to the Director for Housing and Communities (in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for People and Communities) to negotiate, finalise and sign any required legal documentation;


3)    ENDORSED the 2-stage approach and NOTED that Cabinet will receive a further report on the wider review on the feasibility of establishing a single Lifeline offer for the Borough of Melton;


4)    NOTED that a capital allocation to support the compatibility of Lifeline Units, as part of the Digital Switchover had been incorporated in the Budget proposals for 2022/23 and this would be progressed alongside the wider review of this service.


Michelle Howard, Director for Housing and Communities introduced the report, the purpose of which was to seek Cabinet approval to enter into a shared partnership arrangement with Harborough District Council (HDC) for the provision of private lifeline services and to progress work to develop options for a single assistive technology offer across Melton.


Mrs. Howard advised that the Council’s lifeline services supported residents to remain safely and independently at home.  Currently, there were 3 separate lifeline offers delivered by the Council (private lifeline, time sage and links to properties via hardwired units).  This lead to a lack of clarity for customers and the equipment used to deliver the service needed to be upgraded and digitally enabled.  The Council currently worked in partnership with Harborough District Council (HDC) who were responsible for the associated customer call centre.  The Council needed to review this contractual arrangement to achieve greater value for money and efficiency.


Mrs. Howard highlighted that the proposals before Members would help to build on a number of changes and improvements which had already been made to the service.  Initial action would ensure that the current service was effective, delivered an immediate saving and was ready to be digitally enabled.  This would be best facilitated through the partnership with HDC and there were budget proposals to include a Capital allocation to enable the transition to digital equipment.  Over the next year, as part of a wider review of lifeline services, the Council would take a comprehensive and inclusive assessment of its approach to providing assistive technology, looking at the viability of establishing a single customer focused, commercially viable offer across Melton (including engagement with Scrutiny Committee).


Mrs. Howard advised that in relation to historic debt, processes were in place to ensure that the Council received monies due for services provided and there was a separate programme to address historic debt.


Councillor Malise Graham, Portfolio Holder for People and Communities (Deputy Leader) advised that the Council wanted to update its lifeline offer and set out a plan for a longer term review.  Lifeline was a vital service for the Council’s most vulnerable residents, supporting them to remain safely at home, helping them to live independently and reducing pressure on hospitals and social care.  The new technology had an important role to play and had many advantages.


Councillor Graham highlighted that the Council’s Lifeline service needed to be efficient and cost effective.  There were a number of considerations and questions which needed to form part of the wider review, which Members were encouraged to engage with and contribute to.




1)    APPROVED the continued provision of private lifeline services with Harborough District Council (HDC), subject to legal approval of contractual arrangements;


2)    DELEGATED authority to the Director for Housing and Communities (in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for People and Communities) to negotiate, finalise and sign any required legal documentation;


3)    ENDORSED the 2-stage approach and NOTED that Cabinet will receive a further report on the wider review on the feasibility of establishing a single Lifeline offer for the Borough of Melton;


4)    NOTED that a capital allocation to support the compatibility of Lifeline Units, as part of the Digital Switchover had been incorporated in the Budget proposals for 2022/23 and this would be progressed alongside the wider review of this service.


Reason for the recommendations:


The Council’s Lifeline and Assistive Technology services provide a valuable support to tenants and residents to live independently in their homes. The current provision is though disjointed and the equipment used to support the service needs to be upgraded and digitally enabled. A shared service arrangement with Harborough District Council will allow the Council to achieve greater efficiencies through economies of scale and a consistent service offer.


The two stage process will allow the Council to realise contract and partnership savings and efficiencies now, as well as assist in managing the complexities associated with meeting our obligations as part of the digital switchover (stage 1). It will then also allow time to undertake a wider review, with a view towards establishing a single Lifeline offer for Melton which will be customer focused and provide ongoing commercial viability for the future (stage 2).


Supporting documents: