Agenda item


The Portfolio Holder for People and Communities (Deputy Leader) is to submit a report on the Active Together 10 year framework.




1)    APPROVED and endorses the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Active Together Physical Activity Framework 2022/2031;


2)    PROVIDED a commitment in principle to exploring new ways of working and supporting the delivery of sport and physical activity services. 


Michelle Howard, Director for Housing and Communities introduced the report, the purpose of which was to provide an overview of the framework for physical activity and some background information as to its purpose, objective, and relevance to the work of the Council and to seek Cabinet endorsement of the framework and a commitment to supporting the delivery of its priorities and principles through continued collaboration.


Mrs. Howard advised that this report was the result of collaborative work across Leicestershire and Rutland.  Active Together was a positive and proactive Sprots Partnership, aiming to increase physical activity in communities and find ways to improve physical activity amongst those who may not engage in such activities.  The Framework demonstrated continued commitment to support health and wellbeing in the community, as per the Council’s Corporate Strategy etc. and showed unity across all councils endorsing the Framework.  There were considerable benefits to partnership working and officers were keen to maintain the collaboration and positive work.


Councillor Malise Graham, Portfolio Holder for People and Communities commented that the Framework provided a focus and commitment to shape, design and deliver the Council’s services, as aligned with the principles in the Framework.  Across the county, districts would consider similar reports and a collective endorsement and strong partnership helped Active Together to drawdown funding from other organisations, such as Public Health and Sports England etc.  In 2021, the Council invested £3,708k in Access Together and accessed approximately £55k from Public Health and approximately £29k from Leicestershire County Council (LCC) as a result.  The funding from Public health was used to deliver the Council’s physical activity and health based action plan to support delivering core public health priorities, as well as Melton priorities.  This included £30k for a Physical Activity and Development Officer, £14k to deliver physical activities and health opportunities to children and young people in schools, £1k to support active travel (walking, cycling and running), £5k to deliver the exercise referral programme, £2k support falls prevention classes, £3k toward physical activity and health interventions in the community.  The funding from LCC was used £14k was used for a graduate community physical activity health and sports assistance, £10k to support youth engagement activated in delivering physical activity interventions to support children and young people's mental health due to Covid 19 and £5k for LCC’s Active Together campaign ‘Let's Get Moving’.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·       It was noted that the report was comprehensive, detailing organised activities but not activities such as allotment gardening/dog walking etc.




1)    APPROVED and endorses the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Active Together Physical Activity Framework 2022/2031;


2)    PROVIDED a commitment in principle to exploring new ways of working and supporting the delivery of sport and physical activity services.


Reasons for the recommendations:


The 10-year framework encourages greater joint working opportunities with Council services, including, Supporting People, Planning, Environment, Housing etc.


The framework is described as a “call for partners working across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland to join us in thinking differently as we collaborate in using policy and practice to reduce physical inactivity and reduce inequality”.  It encourages other public services for the purpose of furthering the ambitions and objectives of the 10 year framework and increasing physical activity levels within local communities.


The framework aligns with the councils continued focus on health, wellbeing and the wider determinants of health. The principles and priorities of the 10-year framework are

compatible and complimentary with current council services, programmes and projects to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities.


Current delivery examples include:

Developing Physical Activity Messaging – Utilising our digital offer to promote the Physical Activity Narrative & Self Help Offer. Acting as a ‘Physical Activity Hub’ to showcase Physical Activity opportunities delivered by organisations, partners, community groups for the benefit of residents in the Melton Borough.


Improving Children & Young People’s Mental & Physical Heath – Creating connectivity with partners, schools, other services and the local community to provide opportunities for targeted children and young people to access interventions/programmes delivered locally.


Older People to Live Longer better Lives – Providing various opportunities for targeted/vulnerable residents to prevent falls, weight management programmes and signposting to Physical Activity opportunities to create lasting behaviour change to residents physical and mental health.

Supporting documents: