Agenda item


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity is to present the Melton Local Plan 2011-2036 Review.


Councillors Holmes and Orson left the meeting during discussion of this item.


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity introduced the report.  Members were advised that the Local Plan was adopted in 2018 and had been a success, enabling the Council to demonstrate an enviable 11.6 years of housing land supply, a strong housing delivery against the targets of the Plan, approximately £160m of investment in highways and education infrastructure, additional New Homes Bonus and the protection of the number of developments in line with the Plan.


The Portfolio Holder highlighted that the Council was required to review and update the Plan within five years of adoption to enable it was reactive to changes both locally and nationally (implications of undertaking/not undertaking the review now were detailed at paragraphs 14.2 to 15).  This was an opportunity to revise and improve the Plan by addressing any weaknesses.  To facilitate this, a Member/Officer working group would be formed and convened on a regular basis throughout the life of the revision.  There would be at least 2 consultations as the review progressed and following these, officers would consider representations and if the review should be submitted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate.  A new post of Planning Enforcement Officer would be created to ensure adequate resourcing for proactive enforcement and the revised plan would continue to guide and informed the way current and future needs of our borough were addressed,


Councillor de Burle seconded the motion.


During the debate the following comments were made:


  • Members welcomed the Review, commenting that particular attention should be paid to environmental issues, housing need, appropriate infrastructure and employment opportunities.
  • The new Planning Enforcement Officer post was noted.
  • Members reflected on the successes and weaknesses of the Local Plan.
  • Successes included the excellent performance over the last 3 years, which had provided an 11.6 year housing land supply.  Melton had received an injection of capital towards infrastructure improvements within the town and funding for the Distributor Road
  • Weaknesses included that developers were building too many large properties, rather than much needed affordable and small family homes.  As a planning authority, the Council needed to ensure the houses needed were built.  There was also a lack of infrastructure provision within the rural areas.  Infrastructure should be established prior to building not follow years later, resulting in lack of parking, recreation facilities, medical provision, education, green spaces etc.
  • The revised Plan should be reactive to what had been learned over the last 3 years.
  • The Review was necessary.  The Council had worked hard to maintain its desires standards but it should not be complacent.
  • Parish Councils were concerned that the Review may impact on their Neighbourhood Plans and it was vital that the Council consulted with them and other stakeholders early on in the process to alleviate worries.
  • Affordable housing in rural areas helped to maintain communities.
  • Social housing needed to be considered, to deal with homelessness and high private rental costs.
  • In response to a Member comment, the Monitoring Officer confirmed that the Constitution provided for Group Deputy Leaders to appoint to working groups, in the absence of Group Leaders. 






(1)  APPROVED the commencement of the Review of the Melton Local Plan;


(2)  APPROVED the proposed timetable and program, noting the dependencies;


(3)  APPROVED the Terms of Reference and Membership of the Melton Local Plan Review Members Working Group;


(4)  DELEGATED authority to the Director for Growth and Regeneration to:

(i)              make in-year amendments and updates to the draft timetable and program in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth & Regeneration;

(ii)            appoint consultants as necessary to undertake work on behalf of the Council in respect of the Local Plan Review;


(5)  APPROVED the creation of a Planning Enforcement Officer post within the Planning Development Team, funded from a supplementary estimate of £25,640 in 2022/23 from the Corporate Priorities Reserve and that the additional ongoing cost of £38,460 be incorporated into later year budgets.




Councillor Orson returned to the meeting. Cllr Holmes did not return to the meeting. At 8:51pm, Councillor Wilkinson left the meeting and did not return. At 8:59pm, Councillor Carter left the meeting and did not return.

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