Agenda item


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity is to present the Asset Development Programme Update.


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity presented the Asset Development Programme Update, advising Members that the Council had approved Phase 1 of the Asset Development Programme in January 2021.  This report provided an update on the progress to date, set out the refreshed scope and programme of works and sought approval for additional resources and the next steps.


The Portfolio Holder highlighted:


  • Grant funding from the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) was agreed in September 2021, which resulted in a delay in commencing the spend on the approved activities.
  • Work had continued on the disposal of the ground at Cattle Market North, the remit being to maximise the commercial value of the site.
  • The Cattle Market South continued to develop in line with the Masterplan, with the stockyard branding being launched last week etc.
  • Following Council approval to explore options for redevelopment of Phoenix House, discussions concerning the future of the property and its occupants continued.  The Council would also consider alternatives to its sale, such as retention and possible development of the site.
  • The Council would continue to appraise and develop the logistics and design layout of Parkside, with the aim of maximising this and increasing its commercial viability.
  • The Council would continue to explore the use of the Cove Community Centre for relocating community based services from Phoenix House and Parkside.
  • Discussions with key stakeholders continued.
  • Programmes (such as Town Centre Vision, Health and Leisure etc) and submitting key funding opportunities (such as the Levelling Up Fund Phase 2) required staff resource and there was currently a lack of capacity within this area.  These resources needed to increase to ensure that opportunities were maximised etc. as detailed at paragraphs 9.4 and 9.5 of the report.


Councillor de Burle seconded the motion.


During debate the following comments were made:


  • There was still much progress to be made on Council assets.  More information was needed to ensure the assets were being utilised to full potential and identify those for disposal.
  • Additional staff resource would result in additional capacity, enabling officers to deal with this work effectively.
  • Some Members were concerned that the proposed changes to the establishment had not been justified in the report, commenting that it lacked clarity and detail of the work/time needed and why the employment was for a 2 year fixed term period.
  • The Portfolio Holder reiterated that the £76,920k estimated cost for an Assistant Valuer was over two years.  It was important to have appropriate staff resources to undertake the work needed.  This should be viewed as an investment in the future, not only a solution to the current lack of capacity.
  • The Director for Growth and Regeneration drew Members’ attention to paragraph 5.7.3 of the report, which detailed the 3 proposed posts:

i.                 Assistant Asset Valuer (2 years fixed term) to deal with the operational task of financial book valuations, which would ease demand at senior level, enabling focus on the delivery of the Asset Development Programme.

ii.                Legal Officer (1 year fixed term) to identify current leases and update information for the Asset Register.

iii.              Senior Projects Delivery Officer (permanent) to manage delivery of projects and ensure the benefits were realised by connecting different agendas across the Council.

  • Due to time restraints and bid submission deadlines, it was decided to submit the report to this meeting.  However, detailed business plans would be submitted to Scrutiny Committee, and Cabinet for each stage of the Programme.
  • The Local Government Association (LGA) Financial Review 2021 stated that a long term strategic approach to financial planning should be taken.  It made specific reference to the Asset Development Programme and highlighted the need to resource the Programme properly to make sure it was developed.
  • The intention to access the reserve to allocate additional resources to support the Asset Development Programme was specifically referenced in the Council’s budget report considered in February.






(1)  APPROVED the political balance calculations;

(2)  APPROVED the allocation of seats to Political Groups and NOTED the membership of each Committee.

(3)  NOTED the update and APPROVED the refreshed scope and programme;

(4)  APPROVED the permanent changes to the establishment and APPROVED £110k to be set aside from the Regeneration and Innovation reserve to cover the 2 year fixed term employment costs;

(5)  APPROVED a supplementary estimate of £11,660 in 2022/23 from the corporate priorities reserve to fund the permanent changes to the establishment and NOTED that the additional ongoing cost of £15,550 would be incorporated into later year budgets;

(6)  DELEGATED authority to the Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder to make any in-year necessary changes/additions required to the grant agreement(s) to deliver the Programme


(13 in favour, 9 abstentions)


At 9:19pm, Councillor Wood left the meeting and did not return.

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