Agenda item

Application 21/00947/FUL

Deben Farm, Scalford





Deben Farm, Scalford


Proposed residential development of former farm complex comprising the replacement of all non-traditional former agricultural buildings with 4 new dwellings (in lieu of dwellings approved under LPA references 20/00741/GDOCOU and 20/01474/GDOCOU


The Planning Officer (AC) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised the proposal provided betterment for the site.  Members were advised that the proposal also had the benefit of a fall-back position by way of a prior approval under Class Q. The application was recommended for approval.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·       Nick Baseley, Agent, IBA Planning

Mr Baseley responded to Member questions as follows:

There were 4 new dwellings in total and an existing farmhouse. The site already had planning permission for 5 dwellings and this application replaced that.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·       It was mentioned that although they were not traditional looking farm buildings of brick and pantile, case law stated that the fall-back position could be considered

·       The Solicitor advised that whether or not the existing agricultural buildings were traditional in appearance was not a planning consideration for this application as the Class Q notification had already been approved

·       Although it was felt to be an unsustainable location it was recognised that a refusal of the application would be difficult to defend

·       It was noted that the development was below the trigger point for affordable housing and should any further application on the site be put forward this position would be reviewed

·       There was appreciation for the development and the improvement on the existing which was welcomed


Councillor Chandler proposed that the application be approved with an additional condition to remove permitted development rights. Councillor Browne seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions set out at Appendix C and with the additional condition to remove permitted development rights.






The site already has an extant permission, for the conversion of the traditional barn to C3 dwelling house and prior approval via Class Q for the conversion of three larger barns to five dwelling houses, including a conversion under Class R for office use B1(a).


It is considered that the current FULL application does not unacceptably exceed those limitations (not limited to maximum of 5 dwellings created, division of land titles, structural integrity and sole use of agricultural etc..) already allowed via permitted development within class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 and as such the proposal remains within the general scope of the extant prior-approvals for barn conversions. Furthermore, its proposed redesign, architectural detailing and layout would be to the betterment of its rural location providing high quality residential dwellings.


The proposal would result in a development that would be acceptable in principle and would be sympathetic to the character of the area. There would be no adverse impact on protected species.


Furthermore, the proposal would not be considered to have an adverse impact upon the setting of its rural landscape or the surrounding area.


The principle of the development in this location is contrary to Policy SS3 of the Melton Local Plan and Policy H6 of the Scalford Neighbourhood Plan, however prior notification granted on the site for residential use is a material planning consideration in this instance.

Supporting documents: