Agenda item

Application 20/00397/OUT

Land south of Grange Farm, Hose





Land south of Grange Farm, Hose


To develop two pasture land fields for residential use

to accommodate up to 31 houses to be accessed by a

private road built to adopted standard


The Planning Officer (AC) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised that the application was recommended for approval.


The Planning Officer responded to Member queries as follows:


·       There were 2 conditions relating to a noise assessment which Environmental Health had recommended

·       Surface water would go into an attenuation basin on the west of site and into a ditch and local water course south of site and the details would form part of the planning permission

·       Planning permission would secure attenuation by planning conditions 15 to 18 as well as the continued maintenance arrangement at the reserved matters stage

·       Up to 31 houses would be considered at reserved matters and the design SPD and the Neighbourhood Plan on design would be considered at that stage as well as the biodiversity and eco enhancements

·       There was a right of way but was not affected by this proposal, the developer was to upgrade the footway on Harby Lane to connect to the existing footway

·       There were no objections from Severn Trent Water and they would meet the supply requirements subject to the conditions recommended

·       The contributions requested by the Leicestershire County Council and NHS have been agreed and the £15k requested by the Parish Council for the village hall or the on-site play area was agreed as an either or situation and the play area had been agreed and condition 23 gave details of the play area

·       The internal road layout displayed was indicative at this stage and would be the subject of future discussion and was not part of this application

·       Materials for external use would be submitted before development commenced including windows, doors, tiles and bricks etc and the Parish Council would be consulted at the reserved matters stage on appearance, scale, and finer details to meet the SPD and Neighbourhood Plan design requirements

·       The Interim Assistant Director of Planning advised that engagement with Parish Councils would be through a workshop process at the reserved matters stage and the type of detail mentioned above would be teased out also with options considered at that point

·       Severn Trent Water had been consulted and they had provided detailed comments and there were recommended conditions for the applicant to discharge. They were the expert and had provided comments


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·       Helen Cheetham

Clawson, Hose & Harby Parish Council


·       David Bennett, Local resident


·       Nick Cooper / Maurice Fairhurst, HSSP, Architects

Mr Cooper responded to Member questions as follows:

·       The land to the west of the site had been retained by the landowner for agricultural use. This had been approved earlier

·       Drainage from the development would be piped into the attenuation pond and the obligations would be the same as the rest of the scheme at that stage

·       There were well established principles to go through another’s land to maintain/service a site and there was an easement for a pumping line on the edge of the application site


·       Councillor Chris Evans, Ward Councillor

Councillor Evans was not present and the Chair read out Councillor Evans’ representation.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·       There were concerns raised by the speakers and Ward Councillor on over-development to be considered

·       More affordable housing was desirable and there was concern the number could be removed at reserved matters

·       There was disappointment that the developer could not allocate an extra £15K to the Parish Council for the village hall

·       There was concern at the classification of Hose as a service centre when it had limited services

·       It was considered that issues raised needed to be resolved at the reserved matters stage as there was no relevant policy to refuse the application

·       There was a suggestion to go back to Severn Trent Water for assurances on the water supply however it was explained by the Planning Officer that they had raised no objections and would have to provide water

·       It was noted that piping and the attenuation pond and relationship with the neighbouring owners would be covered by a condition


Councillor Browne proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Pritchett seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions towards:


(i) Primary, Secondary and Post 16 Education Provision

(ii) Contribution to sustainable transport options

(iii) Contribution towards Waste services

(iv) Contribution towards Library services

(v) NHS Contribution

(vi) On Site Affordable Housing Provision


(5 for, 3 against)

(Councillors Chandler and Smith requested that their votes against the decision of this application be recorded.)




Whilst it is acknowledged that the application site is not allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan, it is allocated in the Local Plan. The Local Plan was adopted more recently than the Neighbourhood Plan and therefore achieves ‘primacy’ under the applicable law and assessment of the Development Plan as a whole.

Whilst the proposed development would provide more housing than identified in the Neighbourhood Plan, the housing requirement is a minimum only, and there is nothing to prevent the provision of more housing – as stated within the Development Plan which states that requirements are the minimum number of new dwellings that should be provided in the relevant period, and all stakeholders involved in the delivery of housing should play their part in seeking to exceed the requirements by bringing forward development in accordance with the plan policies as a whole.


Although the proposal would result in the increase in number of dwellings than estimated for the site within the Local Plan, the capacity figures listed in Policy C1(A and B) and Appendix A for each site allocation are not intended as targets to be achieved or caps that should not be exceeded.


Affordable housing provision remains one of the Council’s key priorities. This application delivers the required level of affordable housing (in line with the Melton Local Plan) that helps to meet identified local needs. Accordingly, the application presents a vehicle for the delivery of 10 on site affordable housing units, of a type to support the local market housing needs. The final mix of affordable housing would be secured by Section 106 agreement attached to this outline proposal.


Contributions towards local infrastructure is also secured by Section 106 to ensure that the local infrastructure can mitigate the impact of the development.


The application is in outline and demonstrates how this allocation could be delivered including the site specific criteria applied by the Plan. This report will go on to show that no material considerations are present which indicate the decision should depart from the development plan as a whole when considering the conflict between the Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan.


The development is considered to not result in a significant impact upon highway safety and a safe and suitable access is achieved to the site from Harby Lane, including pedestrian connectivity to the south. Sufficient off street parking provision can be secured at detailed reserved matters stage.


Policy SS1 and SS2 of the Melton Local Plan strongly emphasise the need to provide housing in locations that can take advantage of sustainable travel. The site is situated within a Service Centre as defined by the Melton Local Plan and notwithstanding the conflict with the Neighbourhood Plan, the Melton Local Plan was adopted more recently and therefore achieves ‘primacy’ under the applicable law and assessment of the Development Plan as a whole


The application site sits within the setting of the Grade II Listed Grange Farmhouse and Scheduled Monument but is separate from and does not form part of the development site. The proposal is considered to be sympathetic to the setting of heritage assets and whilst there is some 'less than substantial harm' to the setting of the Grade II Listed Grange Farmhouse and Scheduled Monument, this harm is outweighed by the public benefits of providing dwellings on a site allocated for residential development in the Local Plan, subject to detailed design and further consideration at reserved matters stage. In carrying out that balance, the Council has had regard to the great weight that should be given to the conservation of heritage assets (NPPF, section 16), and having regard to the statutory duties set out in sections 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Supporting documents: