Agenda item

Application 20/000009/OUT

Granary Close, Bottesford





Land South of Granary Close, Bottesford


Erection of up to 18 dwellings and associated infrastructure


(Councillor Chandler left the meeting at 6.06 pm due to her personal interest declared at Minute PL3.)


The Planning Officer (AC) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised that 2 additional letters of representation had been received since publication of the report, the content of which had already been raised and covered in the report. There was an amendment to the report at paragraph 4.9.1 which referred to the land as arable use and should read pasture land and which made no material difference to the report. The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and a S106 Agreement.


The Planning Officer responded to Member queries as follows:


·       There was an adjacent site with planning permission for 18 dwellings but this was not a factor in determining this application

·       An existing property had off street parking

·       Highways had approved the access from Granary Close with an increased road width to 5m and a footway of 2m and the access had been designed for this development

·       The applicant had confirmed they had a right of access to the site and neighbouring amenity perspective was acceptable eg. movement of vehicles


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Cllr Bob Bayman, Chairman of Bottesford Parish Council

      Cllr Bayman responded to Member questions as follows:

      Concerned about the wording of condition 11 and specifically that there was nothing that demanded the two sites should have a unified approach


·         Colin Wilkinson, Agent, Planit-X Town and Country Planning Services Ltd

Mr Wilkinson advised that the report covered his requirements and he did not therefore need to speak


The Planning Officer (AC) confirmed that condition 11 was being recommended to facilitate and develop an integrated approach to the design and layout of the two sites at the reserved matters stage. 


During discussion the following points were noted:


·       It was considered that it would be helpful for the same developer to be involved in the adjoining sites to ensure parity and an integrated approach however it was not known whether this would be the case and was not a material planning consideration

·       There was concern for effect of the development on an existing homeowner’s parking and access arrangements and whether there was a responsibility to protect the resident’s interests

·       It was felt the report was comprehensive and the application accorded with the Local Plan 

·       The Planning Officer reiterated that condition 11 would ensure an integrated approach for the two sites and the same team of officers would be dealing with both sets of applicants and developers

·       There was a suggestion for deferral to allow the developers to talk about the integration and to facilitate dialogue regarding  intrusion to existing dwellings

·       The Planning Development Manager advised that condition 11 would facilitate discussions between the two applicants at the reserved matters stage and discussions at outline would not be constructive as there were no detailed plans to consider

·       It was felt that co-ordination between the sites would be beneficial for a cohesive development and it was felt that the design workshops with the Parish Council and officers would ensure this approach was followed

·       It was mentioned there was a covenant to the existing homeowner’s property

·       The Solicitor explained that they were not aware of the covenant as it would be a private law matter and therefore not relevant to this application. He further said that to defer on the integrated sites issue was not advised as condition 11 covered working with the 2 applicants


Councillor Illingworth proposed that the application be deferred to enable dialogue, co-operation and co-ordination of the applicants for the two plots to facilitate an integrated approach before the reserved matters stage and to ensure the applicants had taken into account and mitigated existing homeowners’ access and parking issues. Councillor Holmes seconded the motion. On being put the vote, the motion was lost with 2 for and 7 against.


Councillor Smith proposed that the application be approved with an addition to condition 11 that it be strengthened to ensure a unified approach of design, layout and materials. Councillor Pritchett seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED with an addition to condition 11 that it be strengthened to ensure a unified approach of design, layout and materials and subject to conditions set out in Appendix C and a Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions towards:


(i)      Secondary and Post 16 Education Provision

(ii)    Contribution to sustainable transport options

(iii)  NHS Contribution

(iv)  On Site Affordable Housing Provision

(v)    Bottesford Village Hall Play Area

(7 for, 1 against, 1 abstention)




The proposal accords with the requirements of Policies SS1 and SS2 which strongly emphasise the need to provide housing in locations that can take advantage of sustainable travel and make appropriate provision for parking and ensure that there is not a significant impact caused to the Highway network. Bottesford is a 'service centre' under policy SS2 and identified as appropriate for a limited quantity of development in the form of allocations and accommodation of 'windfall'.


The site is allocated for housing purposes in the Local Plan across the application site and the land to the west with an estimated capacity of 41. The application adjacent to the site has a resolution to permit for 18 dwellings and this application is for up to 18 dwellings and also forms part of allocation BOT1. Both the application site and the adjacent site are part of BOT1 (therefore totalling 36 on the allocated site (reference BOT1)).


Affordable housing provision remains one of the Council’s key priorities. This application delivers the required level of affordable housing (in line with the Melton Local Plan) that helps to meet identified local needs. Accordingly, the application presents a vehicle for the delivery of 6 affordable housing units, of a type that supports the local market housing needs. The final mix of affordable housing would be secured by Section 106 Agreement.


Contributions towards local infrastructure are also to be secured by Section 106 to ensure that the local infrastructure can mitigate the impact of the development.


The application is in outline and demonstrates how this allocation could be delivered including the site specific criteria applied by the Plan. This report will go on to show that there are no material considerations associated with this proposal that outweigh the policies of the development plan as a whole when considering the Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Plan.


The development is considered to not result in a significant impact upon highway safety and a safe and suitable access is achieved to the site from Granary Close. Sufficient off street parking provision can be secured as part of consideration of the proposed layout at detailed reserved matters stage.


Policy SS1 and SS2 of the Melton Local Plan strongly emphasise the need to provide housing in locations that can take advantage of sustainable travel. The site is situated within a Service Centre as defined by the Melton Local Plan and both the Melton Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan allocate the site for housing.


(Councillor Chandler here re-joined the committee at 6.49 pm)

Supporting documents: