Agenda item


·         Scrutiny Feedback on Damp and Mould

·         Scrutiny Feedback on the Debt Management Update

·         Scrutiny Feedback on Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy


·       Damp and Mould

Cabinet AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.



·       Debt Management update

Cabinet AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.



·       Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050

Cabinet AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.






·       Damp and Mould


In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee.


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Robert Child, introduced the report to the Committee, the purpose of which updated Members on the Council’s approach and response to damp and mould in properties across the rented sector.


Councillor Child highlighted comments from the Scrutiny Committee, including queries and concerns raised and answered during the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 11 January 2023.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services, Councillor Ronan Browne, thanked the Scrutiny Committee for their work on the report and highlighted the hard work and commitment of the officers involved advising that any mould or damp problems reported to the Council would be dealt with and monitored for the following 6-12 months to make sure it is rectified.  He also commented that tenants were now more aware on how to report any mould, damp or condensation issues.


Cabinet AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny’s feedback.



·       Debt Management update


In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee.


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Robert Child, introduced the report, the purpose of which updated Members on the progress made of managing debt owed to the Council.


Councillor Child highlighted comments from the Scrutiny Committee, including queries and concerns raised and answered during the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 11 January 2023.


Councillor Child commented that following the Scrutiny meeting of 11 January 2023 he could now confirm that housing benefit is paid weekly direct into the rent account and Universal Credit is paid 4-weekly in arrears and that has brought the number of tenants in arrears to 627 owing £622,000 not 800 tenants as shown in the report.


Councillor Child advised that the Tenancy Services Manager would be reviewing all cases of tenant rent arrears to determine what arrears action could be taken and when. Contact would be made with the tenants with higher rent arrears through phone calls and letters and support offered to help clear the debts with either lump sums or payment plans depending on what can be afforded. The Income and Tenancy Sustainment officers would make it very clear what would happen if they failed to keep to the payment arrangements. Those with lower arrears would be contacted to engage with them to prevent arrears from getting any higher.


Councillor Child commented that since the Scrutiny meeting of 11 January 2023 he can now advise that garage rent arrears cases do not need to be taken to court, as a 7-day notice letter could be issued followed by a notice to quit. Councillor Child confirmed currently there are 36 garage tenants owing £18,000.


Councillor Child confirmed that Scrutiny members were not too concerned about the council tax and business rates arrears as the performance of council tax and business rates is over 98% and the Finance Department set stretch targets each financial year and the collection rate for Melton Borough Council is very good compared to neighbouring authorities.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance, Finance and Resources, Councillor Ronnie de Burle, thanked Scrutiny for the report and the diligent way it had dealt with the matter of debt and in understanding there are many reasons for debt and being sensitive to those reasons. 


The Leader thanked the Scrutiny Committee for the in-depth investigation.


Cabinet AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny’s feedback.



·       Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy (2022-2050)


In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee.


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Robert Child, introduced the report to the Committee, the purpose of which updated Members on the details of the final draft of the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050.


Councillor Child highlighted comments from the Scrutiny Committee, including queries and concerns raised and answered during the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 11 January 2023.


The Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement, Councillor Alison Freer, thanked Scrutiny Committee for the report and the invitation to the Scrutiny meeting on 11 January 2023 to listen to the discussions and noted comments.


The Leader thanked Scrutiny for the report.


Cabinet AGREED to have regard to Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.

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