The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to submit a report summarising the key projects for which funding is sought, seeking approval to submit a bid prior to the deadline and outlining the Council’s approach to work jointly with partners to prepare the information which maximises the chances of a successful bid.
NOTED the criteria and requirements for submitting a Levelling Up Fund bid;
APPROVED the submission of a joint bid with Rutland County Council to maximise
the chances of success, noting the shared emphasis on innovation and
regenerating rural market towns;
NOTED that Melton’s intended bid submission contains 3 town centre projects,
1 overseen by the Council to develop the Stockyard at the Cattle Market and 2
other town centre projects due to be delivered by partner agencies;
APPROVED incorporation of all 3 projects within the bid submission, subject to them
demonstrating they meet all requirements and maintain comparable confidence of delivery;
DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Growth and Prosperity to finalise the configuration of the bid,
ensuring the strongest possible submission.
Where individual projects do not meet the requirements set out in 2.4,
to remove them from the submission;
NOTED that should the Levelling Up Fund bid be successful,
the Council will be required to include match funding of up to £1m which will
need to either be met through capital receipts or borrowing. Confirmation of
this funding will be through a subsequent decision and consideration of more
detailed business case(s) setting out the financial and other implications;
DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Growth and Prosperity to agree with Rutland Council, who the
accountable body on behalf of both councils will be. Notes that appropriate joint governance,
resource requirements and legal agreements will be developed to support this
Lee Byrne, Regeneration Manager, introduced the report, the
purpose of which was to summarise the key projects for which funding was
sought, seek approval to submit a bid prior to the deadline and outline the
Council’s approach to work jointly with partners to prepare the information,
which maximised the chances of a successful bid.
Mr Byrne advised that the Levelling Up Funding Bid provided
a clear mechanism and an opportunity to deliver event elements as identified
within the Melton Town Centre Vision. The deadline for submission of bids for
the second round of funding was 6 July 2022. The Council was required to submit
a joint bid with Rutland County Council and this provided
the Council with a partnership of shared ideas and aspirations, giving both
councils the best opportunity for success. The bid focussed on developing a
blueprint for transformation within the town centre, through enabling and
promoting innovation in key sectors, which had been adversely impacted by
changes over the last 2 years. It was based on developing spaces and support
mechanisms, where innovation in the food sector could take place through
supporting enhanced growth in food production, food experiences and the wider
economy, generating additional value to that particular
sector and impacting businesses, education, employment, transport and
increasing town centre footfall.
Mr Byrne highlighted that the Council had developed this bid
with consideration to feedback received from its unsuccessful first round bid.
The feedback had enabled the Council to strengthen the perceived weaknesses
from the initial bid, providing greater assurance to government around areas of
deliverability, monitoring and proposed outcomes.
The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, Councillor
Rob Bindloss thanked officers and Members for their work and commented that the
Levelling Up Fund provided an opportunity for the Council to deliver on its
aspirations and Corporate Priorities, developing areas and attracting increased
tourism to support the town and its economy. The Council was working in
partnership with Rutland County Council and feedback received from the first
bid would enhance this joint bid.
The Chief Executive added his thanks to officers for their
work, highlighting that the delegations set out in the report (particularly at
paragraph 2.5) provided flexibility, giving himself and the Portfolio Holder
for Growth and Prosperity the opportunity to review the bid in the weeks prior
to the deadline and ensure that all components were to standard. There would be
a further decision taken under delegated power following this meeting and
continued monitoring and partnership working.
During discussion the following points were noted:
Members thanked officers for their work.
The work undertaken was vital to ensure that the
bid was as robust as possible.
This was an opportunity for the town and borough
to attract investment into Melton and initiate regeneration.
There was much work to be done before the
deadline for bid submission. Cabinet
Members were encouraged to engage with this work and provide feedback and
The town centre was a key aspect of Melton's economy but it was important to consider the economy of the
in the surrounding areas. Prosperity
within the town centre should emanate outwards.
This bid was crucial to leveraging funding to
strengthen Melton’s economy.
Melton needed economic recovery, growth,
improved connectivity and regeneration.
NOTED the criteria and requirements for submitting a Levelling Up Fund bid;
APPROVED the submission of a joint bid with Rutland County Council to maximise the
chances of success, noting the shared emphasis on innovation and regenerating
rural market towns;
NOTED that Melton’s intended bid submission contains 3 town centre projects,
1 overseen by the Council to develop the Stockyard at the Cattle Market and 2
other town centre projects due to be delivered by partner agencies;
APPROVED incorporation of all 3 projects within the bid submission, subject to
them demonstrating they meet all requirements and maintain comparable
confidence of delivery;
DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Growth and Prosperity to finalise the configuration of the bid,
ensuring the strongest possible submission. Where individual projects do not
meet the requirements set out in 2.4, to remove them from the submission;
NOTED that should the Levelling Up Fund bid be successful,
the Council will be required to include match funding of up to £1m which will
need to either be met through capital receipts or borrowing. Confirmation of
this funding will be through a subsequent decision and consideration of more
detailed business case(s) setting out the financial and other implications;
DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Growth and Prosperity to agree with Rutland Council, who the
accountable body on behalf of both councils will be. Notes that appropriate joint governance,
resource requirements and legal agreements will be developed to support this
Reasons for
Priority 3 of
the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2020-24 ‘Delivering sustainable and inclusive
growth in Melton’ identifies the following priority focus areas:
· Work with our partners to promote Melton and
deliver the promise of the ‘Rural Capital of Food’.
· Regenerate our town centre, encourage inward
investment and create jobs.
inclusive growth by improving access to higher paid jobs, improving skills and tackling low wage economy.
Melton Mowbray
town centre is the engine of the borough’s economy and a key visitor
destination. The Council has recently worked with the partners to create a
long-term vision to steer the development of the town centre over the next ten
years. The Levelling Up Fund bid
supports the aspirations set out in the town centre vision, being considered
within a separate report on this Cabinet agenda.
The Government
has recently published the Levelling Up White Paper and the Levelling Up and
Regeneration Bill. The announcement of
the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) Round 2 presents a good opportunity to seek funding
to deliver some of the key priority projects that would contribute towards
achieving the vision.
Supporting documents: