The draft UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Investment Plan Development is to be presented to the Committee.
The Portfolio Holder for
Growth and Prosperity introduced the UKSPF draft Investment Plan. Following the
introduction, the Chief Executive gave a presentation to the Committee and
explained to the Members the context, the allocation, the process, themes,
caveats, key issues and proposals.
It was explained to Members
that the Council had to align the interventions under three themes. The themes
were Community and Place, Supporting Local Business and People and Skills. It
was noted that the allocation is £1.19m with the Council receiving £145k in
2022/23, £290k in 2023/24 and £758k 2024/25.
Members were appraised of
the objectives, key issues and proposals for each of
the three themes, after which the next steps were outlined.
a question regarding the financial situation of a strategic partner, it was confirmed that
Leicestershire County Council would receive funding for adult literacy and that
the funding would be ring fenced.
A discussion ensued over the
current state of businesses in the Borough and how the UKSPF was going to
assist. In response, it was clarified that there are projects which are
designed to bring in additional footfall which businesses would benefit from.
Concerns were raised
regarding the inclusion of the Bell Centre project without the Council knowing
whether the current owner is a willing partner. The Committee was reassured
that Officers have previously communicated with the current owner and that
discussions were ongoing through partners, however
these were focussed on short term tactical improvements. In addition, Members
were reminded that the Bell Centre occupies a key place within the town centre
and that a more substantial, strategic intervention was required to bring about
a sustainable change, as it is currently not fulfilling its potential however,
in conclusion, the Committee did not generally support the inclusion of the
Bell Centre project within the plan.
Concern was expressed at the
language used by Officers within the Investment Plan, in particular the
expression ‘low wage economy’ as it was felt this had the potential to be
self-fulfilling. In response, Members were informed that careful consideration
is given to the language used but that Officers had a duty to express the
challenges faced by the Borough.
Members recognised that
whilst funding is £1.19m and there are a number of
projects that can be carried out, projects must be prioritised because the
value of the projects currently under consideration exceeds the amount of
funding the Council is expecting to receive.
A concern was raised that
regarding the People and Skills theme, three of the four projects under
consideration are being led by Leicester City Council. In response, it was
explained that by collaborating with a partner as opposed to running projects
without a partner, the Council could see a greater benefit of return and
therefore better value for money.
A discussion ensued
regarding potential partnerships and that the Council would need to carry out
due diligence to ensure the sustainability of the partner. In response the
Chief Executive assured the Committee that this would be the case and that the
Council already carries out due diligence checks.
A Member commented that more
funding should be directed towards the rural economy and that a greater bond
needs building with the parish councils, particularly as there is a general
feeling amongst the parish councils of being let down by the Council.
The Committee agreed that
the Council should use the funding to invest in projects and programmes that
are existing, working and sustainable in order to make
them bigger, better and more successful.
A Member suggested that the
Council should be working more closely with partners. The Portfolio Holder
reassured the Committee that he and Officers are liaising regularly and
effectively with partners.
The comment was made that
other local authorities are more successful at informing their residents what
they are doing and that the Council should look to
learn lessons from those authorities. The Committee was reassured that funding
had been allocated within the draft plan to support this and were reminded
about the existing Discover Melton website which is an excellent resource.
The Committee agreed that
the Council should direct the UKSPF funding towards a smaller number of
projects and work hard in making those projects successful, rather than a
larger number of projects not so well. Also, individual Members expressed
support for projects aimed at alleviating the increased cost of living; tourism
and the visitor economy; rural isolation/access to services/connectivity and a
programme of health checks (physical and mental health) for farmers.
Following a request from a
Member, the Portfolio Holder assured the Committee that Members’ comments had
been taken on board and that he would report them back to the Cabinet when they
considered the UKSPF Investment Plan at their next meeting.
(At 7:07pm, during the
consideration of this item, Councillor Atherton left meeting.)
(At 7:20pm, during the
consideration of this item, Councillor Atherton returned the meeting.)
(At 7:40pm, during the
consideration of this item, Councillor Holmes left the meeting and did not
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