Agenda item

Application 21/01204/FUL

Crossroads Farm, Scalford Road, Eastwell





Crossroads Farm, Scalford Road, Eastwell


Provision of three new dwellings, a replacement farmyard, 3 barns, a joiners workshop, a farm shop and cafe, and a building for use as a railway museum with associated parking, and landscaping (hard and soft)


The Planning Officer (HW) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·       Mark Abell, Agent


During discussion the following points were noted:


·       The applicant was an elected member, Councillor Hewson, and the Constitution therefore required the application be determined by the Planning Committee

·       It was considered the proposals would improve the appearance of the existing site and create opportunities and jobs

·       It was felt that traditional farm buildings were no longer fit for purpose in modern-day farming and this was an excellent redevelopment which reused existing materials

·       Members complemented the officers on the fullness and quality of the report which covered all aspects of the application


Councillor Illingworth proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Holmes seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions set out in Appendix C.






The site already has prior approval via Class Q for the conversion of two modern agricultural buildings into three C3 dwelling houses. Other than the proposed joinery workshop the existing uses proposed are already housed in existing buildings within the wider site. The proposed joinery workshop is considered to represent farm diversification and so is considered acceptable in principle in accordance with Local Plan Policy EC2.


It is considered that the current FULL application does not unacceptably exceed the limitations for the conversion of agricultural buildings to dwellinghouses allowed under the provisions of class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, in terms of the number of units created and their size. However, rather than the conversion of the existing agricultural buildings within the site, which are of no historic or architectural merit, the proposal takes a comprehensive approach to the redevelopment of the site creating a cohesive development. It is considered that the proposed redesign, architectural detailing and layout would be to the betterment of its rural location, enhancing the setting of the adjacent listed buildings, Cross Road Farm House and Barn, to the north east of the site, providing a high quality mixed use development.


Amendments have been made to the scheme to protect the residential amenity of future occupiers without compromising the operational development of the agricultural and commercial uses within the site.


The proposal would result in a development that would be acceptable in principle and would be sympathetic to the character of the area. There would be no adverse impact on protected species.


Furthermore, the proposal would not be considered to have an adverse impact upon the setting of its rural landscape or the surrounding area.


The principle of the development in this location is contrary to Policy SS3 of the Melton Local Plan, however prior notification granted on the site for residential use is a material planning consideration in this instance.

Supporting documents: