Agenda item


To receive a report on Cabinet recommendations referred to Council in relation to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2022-2052.


Councillor Browne, Portfolio Holder for Council Homes and Landlord Services introduced the report and moved the recommendations. The Leader seconded the motion.


During the debate it was requested that Ward Councillors be invited on visits within their wards. In response the Portfolio Holder apologised for any omission and confirmed Ward Councillors would be invited in future.


It was noted that energy initiatives such as the installation of solar panel was working very well, as energy had been, and continues to be, a concern for tenants and that it is important for the Council to support tenants.


The good work of Housing Officers was highlighted to Members and the team were thanked for all their hard work.


Following a question about the building of new Council homes, Members were informed that the aim is to build 8 to 10 homes in the next five years.


In response to a query about emergency accommodation, Members were informed that the Council continue to review homelessness provision and that the aim is to reduce the use of B&B accommodation.


The Portfolio Holder and the Housing Officers were congratulated on how they had transformed the housing service from an underperforming one to a much-improved service. The Scrutiny Committee were also congratulated for reviewing and scrutinising the business plan, therefore ensuring that the plan is the best it can be.


One Member highlighted that, in their opinion, there continues to be a tenant to Council communications issue.






1)    Approved the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2022 – 2052 and associated policy recommendations.


2)    Delegated authority to the Director for Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director for Corporate services and the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services to review and update the financial modelling within the HRA Business Plan on an annual basis to reflect the most up to date stock condition data.


3)    Delegated authority to the Director for Housing and Communities in consultation with the Director for Corporate services and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services to access the HRA Development and Regeneration Reserve to progress projects and activities in support of the HRA up to a limit of £100k per project and up to a maximum of £500k in any one year subject to the financial viability of the HRA Business plan not being undermined.


4)    Revised the target working balance of the HRA be to £1m with effect from 1 April 2023.


5)    Accepted that the affordability of new borrowing be measured using industry standard indicators, and these be tracked alongside the HRA business plan.


6)    Approved the continuation of the current policy of not providing for the repayment of debt within the HRA in respect of existing and any new borrowing.


7)    Set the rent for re-let properties at the 5% upward tolerance allowed on formula rent.


8)    Designated the Director for Housing and Communities as the nominated person with responsibility for compliance with landlord health and safety on behalf of the Council.


9)    Designated the Assistant Director for Housing Management as the nominated person with responsibility for ensuring that the consumer standards, as set out by the Social Housing Regulator, are met.


10) Agreed the following finance principles as set out at Section 9.8 of Appendix 1

a)    that overhead recharges remain as is with annual uplift for inflation.

b)   that any growth in management and maintenance costs is met by reductions elsewhere within the HRA.

c)    that actual rent increases are in line with Government policy to maximise income to the HRA.



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