Agenda item

Application 21/00825/VAC

OS 4240, Burdetts Close, Great Dalby





OS4240, Burdetts Close, Great Dalby


Variation of conditions 5, 8 and 23, and discharge of conditions 3, 4, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of planning approval 18/00721/OUT


The Senior Planning Officer (RR) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions. He explained that an additional representation had been received which related to the site access however this was not part of this application. Amended plans had been received and were reflected in the presentation and would have no impact on amenity. Highways had indicated that the amendments met the required standard and the roads would be capable of adoption. Due to the revised plans, there was an amendment to condition 3 which had not been included in the report and was verbally communicated to the Committee, which would take account of the highway comments and appropriate landscaping.


Members raised concerns and the Senior Planning Officer responded as follows:


·       Condition 3 would be amended to read in accordance with the respective drawings.

·       Trees would be planted at 10m intervals.

·       The width of the entrance to Burdetts Close was approx. 5m and this met the Highway Authority’s requirement.

·       The road carriageway was the same as the existing road on Burdetts Close.

·       Severn Trent Water had raised no objections to the scheme.


Members felt that they could not consider an application when they did not have the correct wording for the condition variations.


It was requested that the following be recorded in the minutes:


‘There was ongoing concern for building new homes in villages when the water and sewage infrastructure was not effectively meeting customer demand and how this new development would impact on the water supply of existing residents in Great Dalby.’


The Solicitor responded that previous appeal decisions had looked at this issue and explained that water companies were not obliged to provide comment and Planning Committees could not refuse applications on water supply related matters. There were however other routes to address this issue outside of a Planning Committee meeting. 


Although there was some confusion as to elements of the two applications received for this site, it was noted that it was not possible to combine them as they had been submitted as two separate applications.


A discussion ensued on the Construction Management Plan and how this was accessed against EN2. It was explained that there is expected to be a biodiversity gain as a result of additional planting, however this was questioned as there has been no baseline biodiversity assessment and therefore it can’t be assumed that there would be a biodiversity gain.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·       Caroline Chave, Agent, Chave Planning

·       Councillor Robert Child, Ward Councillor


Following the speakers’ speeches the following points were noted:


·       The drainage system couldn’t cope with the current amount of sewage. It was likely that this application could exacerbate the situation, however it was noted that the Committee had no option but to accept what Severn Trent Water had stated.

·       It was alleged by the Ward Councillor that the sewage problems had been caused by a small pipe between Great Dalby and Kirby Bellars.

·       It was noted that there had been some consultation between the developer and the residents.


The meeting entered open debate and the following points were noted:


·       There was concern that a barrier wasn’t proposed for the footpath near the pub from the site. It was explained that the Planning Authority couldn’t force this but that the Parish Council could approach the Highways Authority separately on this issue.

·       There was a general consensus that the Committee did not have sufficient information to determine the application.


Councillor Illingworth proposed that the application be deferred. Councillor Evans seconded the motion.




That the application be DEFERRED for the reasons given below.






The reasons for deferral were as follows:


·       Condition 2 required re-writing.

·       The access and highways position required clarification; and

·       In light of contradictory information that had been presented to the Committee, Severn Trent Water be asked to clarify their position and provide additional technical details which back up their position.


(Councillor Illingworth here left the meeting and did not return.)

(Councillor Browne left the meeting at 7.19 pm and returned at 7.20 pm.)

(Councillor Fisher left the meeting at 7.19 pm and returned at 7.21 pm.)

Supporting documents: