Agenda item


In accordance with the Constitution, a Member may ask the Leader, the Chair of the Council or a Committee Chair, a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Borough.


Two questions have been received.


There were two questions received however one question was withdrawn on the day of the meeting.


Before reading his question Councillor Lumley paid tribute to late Councillor Mel Steadman and referred to her being a hard-working Councillor. 


Councillor Lumley asked the following question :


‘Can the Member strongly consider free or reduced MBC-operated car parking charges in the Melton town area after 3pm Monday-Saturday, to help town centre businesses, assuming existing very low revenue after this time is confirmed?


This would greatly help due to the inefficiency of our current car parking payment machines (where there is complimentary individual central government money to upgrade Council-maintained car parking payment machines) where feedback is that people are put off by not having the correct change denomination and no change is given, to generally to uplift a quieter time of day throughout the town centre, and with a key time of day of where parents and guardians pick up their children from nursery and school, which could then entice them into the Town Centre.’


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, Councillor Bindloss, responded as follows :


‘I appreciate and thank the member for his question and I agree as I’m sure we all do that supporting town centre businesses particularly at this difficult time is important for the vitality and prosperity of our town. We are indeed listening to the businesses not just in the town but across the Borough and we welcome your feedback on the issues faced by those attempting to utilise the car parks to visit and shop in the town area.


As we all know we have gone from one national crisis to another with people now feeling a financial squeeze and indeed a genuine hardship through the cost of living crisis, with so many now identifying this it is now also becoming a cost of business crisis.


We are keen to support town centre businesses where possible and to that end we have allocated significant funding to support the wider town centre and ultimately attract more people into it through the recently submitted UKSPF fund and I can say we are always keen to do more and look at more options.


The question of car parking is rightly something that should be considered as part of the budgeting process for the authority and to this end I have requested that officers look into this further so as to advise members on the financial impact of this and to consider other scenarios to try and balance our commitment to the town centre alongside our need to remain fiscally responsible and maintain the financial sustainability of the Council.


With regard to the car parking machines themselves we plan to undertake a car parking needs assessment to ensure we future proof accessibility to the town and provide enough space for future users and visitors taking into consideration  the expected growth within the area over the next 10-15 years.


As part of this we are looking at not only the costs and the viability but also the wide-ranging methods for alternative parking and ticketing measures which make it as easy as possible for people to use the car parks.


Whilst this is ongoing, we acknowledge the concerns of those who currently use our parking machines and have installed a cashless option within all our car parks in 2020 this is increasingly being used on a yearly basis and now accounts for around 20% of total ticket sales.


Naturally the findings of this report will be sent to the appropriate committees for consideration and evaluation and this process has already started and is being dealt with now. This is a very broad subject and there are lots of possibilities and variables. We need to make sure that we maximise the benefits to the town and its businesses and in the decisions we make towards this.’


Councillor Lumley was invited to ask a supplementary question however as the supplementary question raised by Councillor Lumley was not directly related to the original question the Mayor indicated no response was required.


(Councillor Child re-entered the meeting at 7.20 pm during the preceding item.)