Agenda item

Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement, Annual Report

Report by Leader of the Council to provide an update on engagement activity, outcomes and associated improvements and service changes over the last 12 months.





NOTED the progress to date and endorsed the approach taken to engage with Melton Borough Council tenants and leaseholders.


The Director for Housing and Communities introduced the report the purpose of which provided Members with an update on engagement activity, outcomes and associated improvements and service changes over the last 12 months providing assurance that meets its regulatory requirements and corporate commitments to providing high quality council homes and landlord services.


The Director for Housing and Communities drew Members’ attention to section 4.2 of the report which showed an overview of actions committed to 12 months ago and the progress to date.


The Director for Housing and Communities also drew Members’ attention to section 4.4 of the report which highlighted some notable achievements and improvements which showed the maturity of the Council.


The Director for Housing and Communities highlighted other areas of the report for members:


Ø  Signed up to Housemark benchmarking services – providing comprehensive and cost performance comparative information.

Ø  New website for tenants being developed – to enable tenants and leaseholders to access relevant information more easily.

Ø  The new Housing Asset Consultation Toolkit – allows tenants a choice (where possible and appropriate) on future options for outbuildings/ sheds and on kitchen cupboards etc as part of a kitchen upgrade programme.

Ø  Annual reporting to tenants incorporating information around the performance of Melton Borough Council as a landlord and key information about the services provided to customers.


The Leader expressed thanks to Councillor Ronan Browne, the previous Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services, for the excellent work done with the housing department over recent years and in relation to the Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement Annual Report.


The Director for Housing and Communities advised members that the results for the Annual Survey of Tenant Satisfaction, due to be sent out later this year, would be shared with all members, tenants, and the Regulator.


The Director for Housing and Communities advised members that there was an officer leading on the regulatory diagnostic assurances and there were a number of networks we are keyed into, especially the Chief Housing Officer groups where all of the housing officers from across the district meet that come together to share good working practices. There is also a relatively new mechanism nationally, around peer review in Housing provided by the Local Government Association which we can feed into and the Council would consider in due course.


The Assistant Director for Housing and Communities confirmed to members that contact details for tenants are regularly checked and updated for online access and have a distribution list of 300 online tenants. Though tenants are encouraged to go online, paper copies are always available of all information and can be sent out when requested. Assistance is also available for those who have difficulty accessing online services due to connectivity issues or lack of understanding.


The Director for Housing and Communities confirmed that a 6 monthly newsletter is printed and sent by post to reach all tenants. This is shared with members who are asked to share this with residents who are tenants and to report back any gaps that need attention.


The Tenancy and Services Manager advised members that walkabouts are being arranged within the community giving the opportunity for officers and members to engage with customers and discuss various issues including connectivity and to gather information on what support is needed, from this information can be passed to account managers or the tenant can be signposted to other agencies.


Cabinet NOTED the progress to date and endorsed the approach taken to engage with Melton Borough Council tenants and leaseholders.


Reasons for Recommendations:


To provide assurance to Cabinet that the Council takes engagement with tenants and leaseholders seriously and puts recommendations into practice, and in doing so, that the Council can met its regulatory requirements and corporate commitment to providing high quality council homes and landlord services.



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