Agenda item


To receive an update on the annual reports, AMR & IFS




1)    NOTED the updated Authority Monitoring Report in appendix 1 and the Infrastructure Funding Statement in appendix 2 and APPROVED their publications.


2)    NOTED that in future, these reports would be updated annually by the Local Plans Team in consultation with the Local Plan Working Group (where necessary) prior to publication.


The Senior Planning Policy Officer, Mr Jorge Fiz Alonso, presented, the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR), and the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) the purposes of which provide information about policy performance and a summary of developer contributions respectively. 


Mr Fiz Alonso advised Cabinet that these reports would be updated annually by Local Planning Authorities


Mr Fiz Alonso advised that of the 365 completions registered this year 81 were affordable homes with this number expected to increase next year.


Mr Fiz Alonso advised that consideration is being given to addressing the future route for the publication of these reports in consultation with the Local Working Group where necessary.


The Portfolio for Growth and Prosperity, Councillor Rob Bindloss advised that the Planning Policy monitoring reports are provided on an annual basis and give an overview on how the policies are performing both financially and physically as shown against the Local Plan 2021-22.


Councillor Bindloss highlighted the following:


·       the housing delivery rates had been strong with no shortfall

·       employment land is still required to meet the necessities to deliver the Local Plan target.

·       Footfall in the town is up on previous years though as there is a change in the habits of how people shop now with the trend for online purchasing the Council would need to use innovative ways to develop and grow the footfall of those visiting the town.

·       Next year’s financial developer contributions are expected to be higher than this year and these contributions enable the Council to support organisations within the town and borough.


The Portfolio Holder for Council Homes and Landlord Services, Councillor Ronan Browne highlighted:


·       there is a lack of affordable housing in the borough,

·       the Council would need to get more robust on discounts on delivering social housing, as market discount housing is not always reachable for those who need it most,

·       the Council should not be foregoing social rent to please developers,

·       there is a need to cut expenditure from the general fund with the cost of homelessness going up which is not sustainable to the council taxpayers, and

·       the Council would need to proactively engage with registered social landlords to avoid having to find more temporary accommodation.







1)    NOTED the updated Authority Monitoring Report in appendix 1 and the Infrastructure Funding Statement in appendix 2 and APPROVED their publications.


2)    NOTED that in future, these reports would be updated annually by the Local Plans Team in consultation with the Local Plan Working Group (where necessary) prior to publication.



Reasons for Recommendations:

To ensure that the Council meet the legal requirement to update to the Authority Monitoring Report in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as modified by the Localism Act 2011).


To ensure that the Council meet the legal requirement to update the Infrastructure Funding Statement in line with the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019.


To streamline the decision process by engaging with the Local Plan Member Working Group in order to acknowledge the content in future AMRs and IFSs annual updates.


Supporting documents: