Agenda item

Application 22/00729/VAC

Hillcrest, 29 Main Street, Eaton






Hillcrest, 29 Main Street, Eaton


Variation of condition 2 of planning approval 20/00538/FUL dated 14/8/2020 to amended approved plans, including amendments to the windows and doors


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions set out at Appendix C.


Members raised concerns and the Planning Officer responded as follows:


·       The ground levels had changed to level the plot

·       The roofline remained the same


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


Councillor Tim Blewett, Burton and Dalby Parish Council


Ian Thompson, Objector


Following the speaker’s presentation the following points were noted:


·       The ground level had increased by 2.9m from the original plans but had not been enforced or followed up

·       The impact of the increase affected the view of the neighbours and made the new property more dominant

·       Some windows were to be obscured to stop overlooking into neighbouring gardens

·       The house was situated downhill therefore there was no impact on houses up the hill

·       A new hedge was to be planted and there was concern that it would take years to grow to the previous height of 3m

·       The gates would be set back from the road by 5m to assist with visibility

·       No objections had been raised by the County Highways Authority


Nick Bacon, Agent, Architecture Design and Planning Consultancy


Following the speaker’s presentation the following points were noted:


·       The hedge was removed to allow for visibility splays and the contractor had removed more than was required

·       The Enforcement Officer had accepted the remedial proposal to plant a new hedge which had been completed

·       The site was sloping in 2 directions and the levelling changes were for practicality and to provide a level access to enter the site

·       Although the separation distances were adequate, neighbours felt differently and the developer offered to install obscure glazing


During debate the following points were noted:


·       The Solicitor advised that any potential breaches of enforcement were not relevant to this application


Councillor Chandler proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Atherton seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions set out at Appendix C.


(8 for, 1 against)




The amendments that comprise the application – both to be retained and those proposed - are appropriate and respectful to the design, appearance, scale, bulk and massing of the dwelling originally approved. Through amendments made in the processing of the application comprising obscure glazing windows and landscaping including the provision of a native hedgerow, the proposal will not result in any adverse or detrimental impacts on the amenity of neighbouring and surrounding dwellings.


There will be no impact on highway safety and sufficient on-site parking provision is made. Further, the proposed landscaping and replacement native hedgerow are acceptable and allow for the safe movement of badgers.


It is considered that the proposal complies with adopted policies in the Melton Local Plan and is acceptable.


(In accordance with the procedure rule relating to the duration of a meeting, it was agreed that the meeting continue beyond 3 hours should this be required.)

Supporting documents: