Agenda item

Application 21/00415/FUL

Pera Business Park, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray





Pera Business Park, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray


Redevelopment of Pera Business Park garden to 70 bed dementia care home and 22 extra care apartments with associated parking and landscaping, with access via the existing business park entrance


The Planning Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions set out at Appendix C and a Section 106 Agreement.


The Planning Development Manager advised that a detailed update had been received setting out the need for the facility which confirmed there was context as well as sustainability for the development.


Members raised concerns and the Planning Officer responded as follows:


·       The report showed the amounts submitted relating to the s106 payments for the NHS, affordable housing etc

·       A fixed shut solution was proposed for the windows to help minimise the sounds from the Cattle Market etc and the detailed specification was still to be submitted

·       It was noted there was a mistype on the number of staff on site which should read there was a range of full and part time of 23-28 staff rather than as stated of 28 staff per shift rota

·       Parking had been assessed by the County Highways and was considered appropriate to the needs of the development taking account of the sustainable location and availability of public transport and local housing

·       Also there had been compromise on parking with landscaping and retention of trees

·       It was noted that parking was limited to the site plan. It was suggested there could be use of other parking on the wider site should this be required however this was not part of the application


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


James Botterill, Agent, HSSP Architects


Following the speaker’s presentation, the following points were noted:


·       In terms of parking, the site has been designed to stand alone and from research and experience of other care home sites, there was no need for an overfill facility. The same parking standards had been applied as to other sites which had underused parking areas

·       The site was sustainable with good transport links as well as close to town for those able to walk

·       There was storage for buggies and cycles on the site


During debate the following points were noted:


·       There was a view that this type of business did not promote the economy and it was questioned whether the service was needed especially in this location

·       The majority felt the facility was needed but there were reservations on the location due to the noise of the Cattle Market and the loss of green space

·       With advanced technology in noise insulation, it was felt there would be a solution for any noise issues

·       It was felt that expansion of the Pera site was a positive move and the care home would create employment opportunities as well as provide a much needed service 

·       The Planning Development Manager advised that conditions 18 and 19 covered the finalising of noise and vibration and Environmental Health was involved in any mitigation measures and the discharge of these conditions

·       There was a suggestion for deferral to gather more information on the sealed windows, aircon and noise matters

·       The Solicitor advised that the condition details were not relevant at this stage and these matters and the windows specification were still to be finalised


Councillor Illingworth proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Pritchett seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions set out at Appendix C and a Section 106 Agreement for the following:


a)      Travel Packs for each employee to inform them what sustainable travel choices are in the surrounding area (can be supplied by LCC at £52.85 per pack).


b)      A six month bus pass per employee (one application from to be included in Travel Packs and funded by the developer (can be supplied through LCC at (average) £510.00 per pass)


c)      Appointment of a Travel Plan Co-ordinator from commencement of

development until 5 years after first occupation. The Travel Plan Co-ordinator shall be responsible for the implementation of measures, as well as monitoring and implementation of remedial measures.


d)      This travel plan will be monitored by LCC Officers for the five-year duration of its life. Fees for this service are set at £6,000.00 for a travel plan.


e)      2 of the apartments (10% of the 22 extra care apartments) to be affordable or an off site provision in the form of dwellings or as a financial commuted sum.


f)        £21,077.60 contribution to East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical

Commissioning Group for the provision of a second surgery in Melton.


(5 for, 1 against, 3 abstentions)


(Councillor Fisher left the meeting at 6.44 pm and returned at 6.45 pm and was present for the vote.)

(Councillor Smith left the meeting at 6.45 pm and returned at 6.46 pm and was present for the vote.)




The proposal has been amended following negotiations with the applicant and concerns raised during the consultation period and as amended would result in a form of development that would be sympathetic to the character of the locality by virtue of its appearance, landscaping and reduced scale and would not compromise residential amenity of either existing or future occupants of the area.


Melton has an ageing population, and the town has a need for extra care facilities to cope with the demographic change, ideally these facilities should be located no more than half a mile from the town centre, where there are no significant gradients, so that residents can visit the town centre and maintain social contact with the community.


The revised design and scale of the proposal has overcome initial concerns regarding the impact on the character and appearance of the site and wider locality along with the conflict between the compatibility of residential proposals alongside existing commercial land.


Furthermore, there have been no adverse impacts identified by statutory consultees that cannot be overcome by the provision of conditions requesting the submission of further details.


The proposal accords with the requirements of Policies SS1, SS2, and specifically Policy C2 with regards to proposals for retirement homes, sheltered homes and care homes.


(There was a short comfort break adjournment before the next application.)

Supporting documents: