Agenda item

Application 22/00553/FUL

OS 480625 329088, Branston Road, Eaton





Land OS 480625 329088 Branston Road Eaton


Change of use of land from agricultural arable to equine; erection of stables with hay and tack room; and new field access


The Planning Policy Officer (HW) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions set out in Appendix C. The Planning Officer advised that the development would comply with DEFRA standards for animal welfare and there were conditions to secure lighting arrangements, ecology and protection of wildlife and to ensure the site was for the private use of the landowner only.


Members raised concerns and the Planning Officer responded as follows:


·       The reference to ‘urban character assessment’ on page 11, paragraph 4.3.2 of the report was correct

·       There was a landscaping condition which included type and location of hedges and trees and these would be species that were appropriate for an equine setting


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


Simon Tong, Objector


Following the speaker’s presentation, the following points were noted:


·       A footpath diversion request had been submitted to the Leicestershire County Council for a neighbouring piece of land however this was outside of the application site and was therefore not a consideration for this application

·       It was noted that people previously walked across the site in question rather than use the longer route of the public footpath hence the application for a footpath diversion to follow a more direct pathway


Anthony Haslam, on behalf of the applicant


Following the speaker’s presentation, the following points were noted:


·       The proposal was for the private use of the applicant and was not intended to be operated as a business

·       The Solicitor explained that there was a formal process for a footpath diversion but as far as the Council was aware there was no application for a diversion on the site

·       The Planning Development Manager confirmed that there was no footpath across the application site therefore this matter was not relevant to this application 

·       The applicant was aware of the safety and security risks involved in such a development that was located in the open countryside


During debate the following points were noted:


·       There was concern for security of such a development in the open countryside and the Solicitor advised that this was not a planning consideration

·       There was concern as to lighting the site in the open countryside to the  detriment of the well-being of wildlife and light pollution

·       It was noted that there was a specific condition relating to lighting

·       It was reiterated that the development was for the personal use of the applicant and a further application would be required should the applicant wish to run the site for a commercial purpose


Councillor Evans proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Smith seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions set out in Appendix C.


(8 in favour, 1 abstention)

(Councillor Webster did not vote on this application due to his late arrival at 6.17 pm.)




The application seeks full planning permission for the change of use of land from agriculture to an equestrian use including the erection of a stable block. Local Plan Policy SS2 sets out the development strategy for the Borough, outside the settlements it restricts development to that which is necessary and appropriate in the open countryside. An equestrian paddock and associated stables are considered to be an appropriate form of development within the open countryside.


Local Plan Policy D2 supports new equestrian development in open countryside locations subject to certain criteria which it is considered the proposal meets including that it would not have an adverse impact upon the landscape or character of the area; the development will not have an unacceptable impact upon residential development; the development would not result in the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land; its size, scale, design and construction materials are appropriate to its setting and function; it would be closely related to the existing bridleway network; and would not have an overly adverse impact on the highway network.


The site would not be used on a commercial basis, and in the interests of amenity and highway safety it is recommended that this is secured by a planning condition. The submitted ecology survey demonstrates that the proposal would protect and enhance biodiversity, and the substantial tree and hedgerow planting proposed which would result in habitat creation and biodiversity net gain. Biodiversity would be further protected by the impacts of the proposed development through the proposed mitigation measures which would be secured by condition. The design includes sustainability credentials including green energy generation technologies.


The proposed development would therefore accord to Policies SS1, SS2, IN2, D1, D2, EN1, EN2, EN6 and EN8 of the Melton Local Plan, and the overall aims of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.

Supporting documents: