The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to provide an update on the successful Levelling Up Funding Programme, to identify governance requirements and implications and to seek approval to accept the money and commence the work for implementation.
The Portfolio Holder for
Growth and Prosperity said that the relevance of the paper is about the
governance of the funding, how it will meet the targets and the need to
consider the risks involved and how we will be able to deliver and be
accountable, Officers have worked hard along with Rutland County Council to
ensure we are able to deliver, and the work will fit within the framework we
already have. This funding will give great opportunity to the town and borough
particularly when coupled with the UKSPF funding and will turn a vision into a
During the discussion the following points were raised
The Leader gave thanks to the local MP for her hard work in respect to the funding. He also gave thanks to all the Officers involved as they had put a lot of time and effort in getting this bid ready.
Reason for Recommendations
In June 2022, the Cabinet approved the submission of a
joint Levelling Up Fund bid with Rutland County Council. In January 2023, the
Councils were advised the bid had been successful. The Councils now need to
enter into the required agreements with the government and each other to enable
the funding to be secured and the investment delivered.
Delivering sustainable and inclusive growth in Melton is
a key priority in the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2020-2024. The Levelling Up
Funding bid is focussed on delivering the promise of Melton Mowbray being the
‘Rural Capital of Food’. The interventions delivered through this grant funding
will help regenerate the town centre, create a destination offer within the
town, encourage inward investment, and create additional jobs in key economic
sectors such as tourism and food production.
The projects to be delivered are part of the Town Centre
Vision created by working extensively with local stakeholders and businesses
and approved and adopted by the Council in 2022. These projects will contribute
significantly to achieve the vision and objectives set out in this document.
The Stockyard site will be redeveloped for accommodating
more food and drink production businesses and to improve the events
infrastructure to enable Melton to expand existing and attract larger events
such as food festivals all year around.
Improvements to the theatre will help hosting commercial
productions to enhance the cultural offer for the town and also support the
towns growing evening economy.
The demand responsive transport linking the key towns of
Oakham and Melton will complete the offer by linking the towns and rural
hinterlands to better enable access from more rural areas. This will help
increase footfall and help attract new and repeat visitors.
Outcomes and outputs of this project will also contribute significantly towards achieving the objectives of the Council’s Asset Development Programme.
Supporting documents: