Agenda item

Application 21/01134/FUL

2 Mill Lane, Long Clawson





2 Mill Lane, Long Clawson


Demolition of existing bungalow and storage buildings, erection of 3 no. new single storey dwellings, construction of new driveway, replacement of existing vehicle bridge over brook + new flood compensation area.


The Senior Planning Officer (AC) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised that 3 further letters of objection had been received which raised concerns around flooding, access, traffic, footpath to the village and that not everyone was notified of the application. All of these matters were assessed within the committee report and he confirmed that everyone that was required to be notified was notified and a site notice and a press notice was also posted. The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions as set out in the report.


The Senior Planning Officer advised that the building to the south-west corner of the site on the neighbour’s boundary was a gym/games room which had planning permission.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation.


Rob Hughes, Agent, Hughes Planning


During debate the following points were noted:


·       The Ward Member drew the committee’s attention to the Parish Council’s concerns and that there had been 3 flooding events in Long Clawson in recent years and the Councillor requested that it be recorded that the statutory bodies and the County Council had not dealt with these flooding issues. On the principle of development on the site, there was still a concern regarding the impact on the Neighbourhood Plan view with this proposal

·       There was concern at new matters being raised by the Ward Councillor from previous applications which were not part of this application and therefore it was difficult for new Members without this knowledge to deal with that information

·       The Planning Development Manager confirmed that previous discussions had been held on the design, impact and drainage but there was one single reason for the refusal which was the impact on the view. The report was balanced and covered all matters and this new application had overcome the reason for refusal therefore there was no other reason that would warrant its refusal

·       The Senior Solicitor advised that this was a new application and although the previous reason for refusal had been concerned with the impact on the view, that did not prevent the committee from reviewing the whole application

·       With regard to flooding, the Senior Planning Officer advised that there was a site specific flood risk assessment which included a drainage strategy and technical note which the applicant had commissioned in response to public and Parish Council concerns and this had been submitted to the Lead Flood Authority, Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency and they had all advised they had no objections to these proposals. He confirmed that the strategy would improve and control the current water flow

·       The Ward Member was concerned at whether there was a blocked culvert as a previous independent investigator had advised that no one could be sure of the extent of a blockage and there had been sewage in previous flood water in the vicinity of the site

·       The Senior Planning Officer advised that that report and flooding event referred to had been sent to the applicant and the Lead Flood Authority which had triggered the applicant to commission the independent drainage strategy

·       The Planning Development Manager advised that the drainage package proposed would improve the run off rate and reduce the likelihood of flooding for the future


Councillor Gordon proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Allnatt seconded the motion.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A.


(9 for, 1 against, 1 abstention)


(Councillor Evans requested that his vote against the decision be recorded.)




The proposal accords with the requirements of Policies SS1 and SS2 which emphasise the need to provide housing in locations that can take advantage of sustainable travel. Long Clawson is a 'Service Centre' under policy SS2 and identified as appropriate for a limited quantity of development in the form of allocations and accommodation of 'windfall'.


The proposed dwellings all sit within the limits to development within the Neighbourhood Plan as identified within Policy H3 of the Neighbourhood Plan.


As such, the proposal would represent a sustainable form of small scale residential development that would be considered acceptable under the provisions of Policies SS1 and SS2 of the Melton Local Plan and Policies H3 and H4 of the Neighbourhood Plan. The principle of development is therefore acceptable subject to appropriate design and appearance and other material planning considerations.


The access and parking is deemed acceptable, there would be no significant adverse impact upon adjacent residential properties and the proposal is considered to be sympathetic to the Conservation Area and setting of heritage assets and overall would not be considered to have an unacceptably detrimental impact on important views identified in the Neighbourhood Plan. The proposal is considered acceptable on grounds of flooding/drainage, ecology and archaeology.


The reason for refusal on the previous application is considered to have been overcome, by virtue of the removal of the car park and its impact which was specifically referred to as the sole reason within the refused decision notice.

Supporting documents: