Agenda item

Matters referred from Scrutiny Committee in accordance with Scrutiny Procedure Rules

·         Scrutiny Feedback on Homelessness

·         Scrutiny Feedback on Income Collection and Debt Management, Progress Update


·       Scrutiny Feedback on Homelessness


·       Scrutiny Feedback on Progress Update on Income Collection and Debt Management.


Cabinet AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.


In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee.


·       Scrutiny Feedback on Homelessness


The Scrutiny Officer introduced the report advising members that the Scrutiny Committee met on 14 March 2023 (under the previous Council) and considered a report on the work undertaken by the Council to prevent and relieve homelessness and to assist households who have experienced homelessness.


The Director for Housing and Communities advised members that she would circulate the report which Scrutiny had considered alongwith the presentation made at the meeting on 14 March 2023, which would provide more information regarding numbers of families affected, and she would ask the team to include the age breakdown.


The Director for Housing and Communities advised that there is a Care Leavers protocol being developed across Leicestershire and the team was actively working on this and that this would be brought forward to members for consideration at a later stage. It would explain the steps that we go through as a local authority and the steps that County have to go through  due to their social care role. It is important to try to keep young people at home, where safe to do so, though there are other options, for example supported housing, which Cabinet will be sighted on in due course. 


The Director for Housing and Communities advised members and that there is a new Homeless Strategy being developed for Melton that would include specific details based on evidence of needs, and if there was a challenge on young people and homelessness then that would be a focus in there.


The Portfolio Holder for Customers, Communities and Neighbourhoods thanked the Director for Housing and Communities for the detailed report.


Cabinet AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.



In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee.


·       Scrutiny Feedback on Progress Update on Income Collection and Debt Management.


The Scrutiny Officer introduced the report advising Members that the Scrutiny Committee had met on 18 April 2023 (under the previous Council) to consider a report on the management of debt owed to the Council.


The Director for Housing and Communities highlighted to Members that the Council had developed resources as a Team to support tenants in sustaining their tenancies and are looking at further developing that resource to further develop the income management. The Director for Housing and Communities advised that any information disclosed to Members, would be considered on a case by case basis and only with the consent of the tenants.


The Assistant Director for Housing and Communities confirmed that Universal Credit is paid directly to the tenant which includes an element towards the rent with the responsibility sitting with the tenant to pass that payment to the Council. Officers work closely with the tenant and do encourage them to set up a regular direct debit.


The Director for Housing and Communities advised that through the corporate performance monitoring, reports can be raised regarding rent collection and income management. The hardship fund that is being introduced would be tracked for demand and take up. There would periodic updates on the cost of living in general and the support that is in place for our communities. Any trends in specific that we see in our own tenants can then be included.


Cabinet AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.

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