Agenda item



In beginning his speech, the Leader gave way to the Deputy Leader. The Deputy Leader then paid tribute to Jean Forbes of the Friends of Melton Country Park who had recently died.


The Leader thanked the Deputy Leader for her tribute.


The Leader informed Council that there had been a request from Jillian Milner to return the Millenium Quilt to public display and that work was underway to place it on public display in Parkside.


Members were informed that on 26 May, the Council along with the Department for Work and Pensions hosted a successful recruitment day, where 140 people attended, 19 job applications were completed and five on the spot job offers were made.


The Leader informed Council that the Let’s Get Moving Melton day was held in early July where over a thousand people participated with 40 different opportunities to try different sports and physical activities.


Members were informed that the Leader joined the Mayor at the annual Armed Services Day in June. The Leader then listed the following events for the diary:

  • A charity football match will be held on 3 August, 7pm between Melton Borough Council and Leicester City Community at the All England Ground, Saxby Road. Monies raised will go to Lives versus Cancer.
  • A service at St Mary’s Church, Melton on 24 August for Ukrainian Independence Day.
  • Melton District Money Advice Centre are hosting an open day on 13 September between 12pm and 3pm.
  • The annual Battle of Britain Service will be held at St Mary’s Church, Melton on 17 September between 10am and 12pm.
  • The Summer Social event will be held on 7 September between 5pm and 7pm at Parkside.


The Leader then outlined the events and meetings he had attended:

  • The Local Government Chronicle Awards, where the Council had been shortlisted as the most improved Council in the country.
  • The Management Journal Awards, where the Chief Executive had been nominated as Chief Executive of the Year.
  • Members Advisory Group, which is the county-wide strategic planning forum.
  • Attended the Police and Crime Panel Annual General Meeting on behalf of Councillor Cox who was not able to attend.
  • The East Midlands Council's Annual General Meeting.
  • Along with the Deputy Leader, addressed staff at a specially arranged meeting.
  • A meeting with the Harborough Council Leader.
  • Attended a meeting with three local facility user groups.
  • Along with the Chair of Scrutiny, met the manager of the Waterfield and MSV sites.
  • Went on a walk around with tenants to view refurbishment and repair work in void properties.


The Leader also stated that he has responded to the East Midland Railways consultation on the proposed ticket office closure.


Members were reminded that it had only been two months since the Annual Meeting and that it had been an intense and hectic time for both Councillors and staff. The Leader thanked everyone for their efforts at a time of adjustment and preparation for the future. The Leader reminded Members that the new administration would take time to analyse and address any issues. The new administration would seek to build on areas where useful and worthwhile work had been done and achieved in the past by previous administrations and also establish a more collegiate and collaborative approach.


The Leader informed Members that the Social Housing Regulation Act 2023 received Royal Ascent on 20 July 2023 and that Officers are preparing implement the changes. The Leader thanked Councillor Browne for his input in this area.


The following were outlined as areas of focus for his administration:

  • Climate Change Emergency
  • Food waste recycling
  • Response of statutory consultees in the area of planning.


In addressing the proposed doctors surgery at the Melton Sport Village, the Leader stated that this particular proposal did not pass best value or viability tests. There were two possible alternative sites, one of which was the Parkside building and that technical evaluation would begin soon.


Regarding converting a section of Parkside into a hotel, the Leader stated it was off his agenda, however the member working group on assets would be free to consider all options.


In relation to the governance arrangements for the Council, the Leader stated that his administration was committed to migrating away from the current strong leadership model of Cabinet and that a governance review had been commissioned. The Leader assured Members that whatever approach is taken, there would be clear accountability, transparency and clarity of action.


Members were informed that the process of developing the Corporate Strategy had begun and the report on the agenda sets out the approach and timescales for development. All Members would have an opportunity to contribute to shape the Council’s priorities and focus for the next four years and that this would begin via the establishment of two policy development working groups.


The Leader informed Council that it is an aim that the community are more connected to the Council and to the decision-making process. A community co-ordinator will be recruited to help strengthen the relationship between the town and the rural parishes. A program of six patch walks for key locations across the Borough would be introduced and the parish liaison would be transformed by creating area-based forums. The Council would also work with communities to plant 500 trees and recognise and acknowledge the contribution of volunteers and community groups.


The Leader also committed to making Melton cleaner and greener. There would be a campaign to tackle fly tipping and the administration would also deliver targeted environmental enhancements and cleanups in five key locations. Council tenants who maintain their gardens will also be recognised.


In addressing the issue of the swimming pool at Waterfield and its future, the Leader stated that it was clear it would need to be replaced, but that meeting the financial burden of any alternative provision would require the development of a feasible programme over the next eight to ten years. The Leader added that in the meantime the current pool would be maintained.