Agenda item


The CCTV Post Implementation Review is to be presented to the Committee.


(At 8:10pm, the meeting was reconvened.)


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) introduced the report on CCTV Post Implementation Review. The Assistant Director for Customer and Communities and the Strategic Lead for Safer Communities were both in attendance for this item to answer questions.


The comment was made that in considering whether the objectives were met and that the project represents value for money for residents, it concluded that they were and it does however it was felt they could have been presented more clearly.


The ‘help point’ device was welcomed by the Committee who viewed it as a valuable resource in helping to protect vulnerable people. Although concern was raised about the potential for abusing the facility, however Members were reassured that the device has a camera so any person abusing the facility would be identified.


There was confusion whether the ultimate aim of the project is to prevent crime by acting as a deterrent; identify perpetrators for prosecutions or whether the project was initiated with the dual purpose in mind.


In response to the query on where the locations for the fixed cameras are and whether there are any in the Country Park, the Committee were informed that the cameras have be installed on current infrastructure in the town centre, although there will be future opportunities for more cameras to be installed however there are no immediate plans. There are however no cameras in the Country Park, due to the location of necessary infrastructure.


A further query was raised regarding mobile cameras and whether any more are planned. In response, Members were informed that there are a limited amount of mobile camera and that two have been vandalised. Although a mobile camera for fly tipping hotspots are planned.


Following a question regarding the flashing speed signs, it was clarified that this falls under the remit of Leicestershire County Council.


The Committee welcomed the feedback that has been received from Leicestershire Policy and recognised the value CCTV has in Community Safety and tackling crime and disorder.


It a recognised that whilst the CCTV network can be valuable in identifying perpetrators, Members were remined that the crime does need to be reported for the Police to take action.


Officers were requested that when rolling out further cameras, that a wider group of Members are consulted with as opposed to just town Councillors.


During the debate, it was noted that Melton Mowbray has areas of difficulty, however it isn’t an unsafe town.


When asked about whether there is scope for using audio alerts, Members were informed that if the cameras are monitored 24/7 then would be useful.


Officers confirmed that the Council would begin to replace cameras in five years time. Officers would be open in using the best and recognise that technology would have moved on considerably in that time. The current cameras would still be sufficient in five years, however the cameras that are used the most will be updated first.


Following a query regarding the use of drone technology, Members were informed that Planning colleagues are already looking into using drones and that Officers would review the programme carefully before deciding whether to proceed with the technology in this area.


The Chairman then concluded the discussion by thanking Officers for their attendance.

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