Agenda item

17/00002/LBC & 17/00001/FUL

Eastwell Hall, 3 Hall Lane, Eastwell




Ms G Milham



Eastwell Hall 3 Hall Lane Eastwell LE14 4EE



Conversion of Eastwell Hall to three dwellings


Cllr Botterill left the meeting at 7.35pm after declaring an interest in these applications.

(a)  The Conservation Officer stated that: The application is required to be considered by the Committee because there are exceptional circumstances; allegations have been made by former residents of the building that the owners are guilty of deliberate neglect to the building, in allowing it to reach a state of dilapidation necessitating significant modernisation and the subdivision of the house to maximise their revenues. Historic England have identified less than substantial harm as a result of subdivision of the property, and this is considered to be outweighed by the benefits of securing the building’s optimum viable use, in accordance with Paragraph 134 of the NPPF.


The former tenants who have objected to the proposal claim that the building’s optimum viable use is as a single residential dwelling, consummate with its historical origins. However, this application was submitted in January 2017 and six months later, there has been no confirmed interest in taking occupation of the building as a single dwelling, as claimed by the objectors. As such, Historic England’s guidance informs the recommendation for this application, in that the works to restore the property as a result of its subdivision will secure its optimum viable use and increase the public benefit of a restored Grade II* listed building which is only marginally legible from the exterior by the nature of screening / partitioning between the newly created properties.


Cllr Baguley proposed to permit the application and added that it costs a lot of money to restore these types of buildings. Historic England have a list of buildings at risk.


The Conservation Officer noted that the applicants had demonstrated a sound knowledge of conservation.


Cllr Higgins seconded the proposal and noted that these great houses are eventually split up as society has changed and they are expensive to run.


A Member commented that the building already looks like 3 dwellings and it shouldn’t be allowed to get in to any worse state.


A vote was taken. The Members voted unanimously to permit the application.


DETERMINATION: Planning permission and Listed Building Consent approved as recommendation for the following reasons:


The determining factor is considered to be Historic England’s assessment of ‘less than substantial harm’ that would result from the subdivision of the property. As such, the public benefits outweigh the harm caused in the loss of historic character of the building. The allegations of deliberate neglect must be given material consideration and must form the basis of a separate enquiry with regards to unauthorised works. However, it is recommended that this does not interfere with the matter of securing the optimum viable use of an empty and dilapidated Grade II* listed building. The applicant is minded to ensure the properties would not be granted registration as separate dwellings until the work has been carried out, as such the subdivision is considered a form of enabling development, with the restoration of the heritage asset identified as the most important asset in the programme of works.



Cllr Botterill returned to the meeting at 7.43pm


Supporting documents: