Committee details

Policy, Finance and Administration Committee

Purpose of committee

The functions of this Committee are : 

To determine policy framework in relation to Council functions.

To provide strategic direction in relation to all Council functions (except those reserved to Council) and to manage their performance within frameworks set.

To exercise any function of the Council not delegated elsewhere or reserved to Council.

To receive, consider and make decisions on reports received from other committees, statutory officers or Returning Officer in relation to policy.

Management and control of Council assets (except those reserved to other Committees) including land, property and financial resources.

Management, control and determination of all matters relating to the appointment, employment, training and dismissal of staff including maintenance of recreational, social and welfare facilities, conditions of employment and pensions.

To keep under review the appropriate establishment of staff.

To exercise general supervision and control over land charges.

Any matter relating to the Welland Partnership.

All matters relating to public relations.

To approve the Council’s Performance Plan(s) .

The Committee shall not have the power to appoint a sub-committee to determine restructuring proposals, save in relation to appointments where Member approval is required.

Budget responsibility for the lottery and overview of the management of this service.

To deal with all responsibilities within the remit of this Committee in accordance with the best interests of all local communities, including rural.


When acting as the Investigating and Disciplinary Committee (5 Members, politically balanced) the following terms of reference apply :- 


Consider allegations relating to the conduct or capability of the Head of Paid Service, Section 151 (Chief Financial Officer) Officer or the Monitoring Officer.


To appoint an Independent Investigator (including agreeing terms of reference of the investigation) from a list maintained by the JNC Joint Secretaries and in accordance with the procedure adopted by the JNC Joint Secretaries from time to time.


To receive and consider the report of the Independent Investigator and be given authority to impose no sanction, or to take action short of dismissal and to impose an appropriate penalty or take other appropriate action.


In such cases where the IDC considers it appropriate taking into account the threshold test the IDC may suspend the Head of Paid Service, the Section 151 (Chief Financial Officer) Officer and the Monitoring Officer.


Authority to negotiate any settlement in consultation with internal / external auditors and appoint such independent external advisers as required in this respect.


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