Issue - decisions

Change of Establishment: Governance & Democracy - changes to staffing structure

23/11/2023 - Change of Establishment: Governance & Democracy - changes to staffing structure

1.    To approve the changes to the Governance & Democracy staffing establishment and structure as set out at para 8 below, ie

(i)            Delete one of the career graded Senior Lawyer posts (up to band 13) and create a new Legal Services Manager post (Band 14, subject to evaluation) to manage the legal service;

(ii)          To replace the Democratic Services Manager post and create a new Lawyer, Governance role, to provide specialist governance advice, manage the Democratic Services function and to act as Deputy Monitoring Officer.

(iii)         To amend the Admin Officer post from a .8 FTE to a full-time post to increase resilience and support for the Governance & Democracy Team;

(iv)         To delete the existing Information Governance Officer role (Band 8) and replace with a new part-time 0.6 fte Information Governance Lawyer Role (up to Band 11);

2.    To agree to the additional cost of £4510.00 to be added to the Governance & Democracy staffing budget to fund the cost of the changes to the establishment.