On behalf of the Corporate Director, the Corporate Services Manager
(a) submitted a report (copies of which had previously been circulated to Members) updating the Committee on the progress of the scheme within the Capital Programme to 31 October 2017 and to determine the Committee’s Capital Programme for 2017-22, based on a review of spending in the current year’s programme and schemes included in the programme for later years;
(b) gave a brief overview of the report, highlighting
the recommendations at 2.1 and 2.2 of the report
capital expenditure against the budget for the
Play Area Equipment Kirby Fields and Honeysuckle Way Scheme (up to 31 October
2017), was detailed within Appendix A of the report
the summary, at 3.1.2, showing the overall
position for the Scheme
installation of equipment had started
• there were no changes proposed to the Capital Programme for the current and future years and there were no proposed schemes for 2018/19 for special expenses.
A Member asked why the Cattle Market project was not noted as a scheme for 2018/19 for special expenses and the Corporate Services Manager confirmed that this project would be detailed in the Melton Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee Capital Scheme monitoring.
Another Member highlighted that Appendix B of the report indicated that the Play Area Equipment Kirby Fields and Honeysuckle Way Scheme was grant funded and asked if this was correct. The Corporate Services Manager confirmed that the Scheme was not grant funded.
Members queried how often play equipment was assessed to determine when it needed to be replaced. The following points were raised concerning play equipment at Honeysuckle Way:-
• the equipment had not been inspected for a considerable period of time before the decision was taken to replace it
• removal and replacement of all the equipment was unnecessary. Some of the equipment was safe and in good working order when removed.
• local residents had been unable to make use of the play area for approximately one year due to delayed installation of the replacement equipment.
• an improved strategy was necessary for future schemes of this nature.
Officers thanked Members for their feedback and confirmed options to facilitate improvement would be explored. They confirmed that a programme of regular inspection was in place and this was aligned to ensuring funds were set aside for replacement equipment.
(1) the progress made on the capital scheme as detailed in Appendix A of the report be noted;
(2) the revised Capital Programme for 2017-22 as detailed in Appendix B of the report be approved and there being no schemes submitted for funding, as part of the budget setting in 2018/19 be noted.