Issue - decisions

Growth & Prosperity Plan (2018-2022)

10/01/2018 - GROWTH AND PROSPERITY PLAN (2018-2022)

The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods submitted a report for members to comment and approve the draft Melton Growth and Prosperity Plan (2018 – 2022) for consultation.


The Economic Development Officer advised members that the Growth and Prosperity Plan (Appendix A) is a re-fresh of the Economic Development Strategy and projects the initiatives for the period 2018 – 2022.

The plan provides a framework and highlights four priorities as defined in 3.5 of the report:

1.    Promoting Innovation, Enterprise and Growth in Key Sectors.

2.    Enhancing Aspirations, Skills and Economic Activity in the Borough.

3.    Improving the Vitality of the Town and Surrounding Villages.

4.    Maximising Inward Investment Opportunities.


The Economic Development Officer noted that the plan is a has incorporated the comments received from an eight week public consultation period and once approved by members a comprehensive supporting Action Plan will be devised (3.7).

As requested, Members will be updated bi-annually on the progress in relation to each strategic priority.


Councillor Higgins advised that page 35 of the Grown and Prosperity Plan, Melton: A Portrait should identify unemployment levels as low, rather than employment levels.

The Economic Development Officer noted this amendment.

The Chair sought a proposer and seconder to move the recommendations. All Members were in favour.


RESOLVED that members comment and approve the draft Melton Growth and Prosperity Plan (Appendix A) for consultation.