Issue - decisions



The Leader of the Council, Councillor Orson, referred to the previously circulated report and explained that


(a)  it summarised the work undertaken to refresh the Council’s Corporate Mission, Vision and Priorities.  These had been developed in consultation with Members and Officers to ensure they better capture the agenda in 2018 and the issues the Council was currently dealing with.  They retained much of the original focus from 2015 but now incorporated greater recognition of the Council’s efforts to tackle the low wage economy, increase housing availability, boost the profile of the area to encourage tourism, whilst also incorporating the Council’s ambition to become more commercial and an employer of choice;


(b)  against these priorities, the Council had collectively worked through a process to identify those things it specifically wished to achieve and had built these into a new Corporate Delivery Plan.  This would create a focus for the Council’s efforts over the next 12-18 months and found an appropriate balance between those things the Council must do and those which were nice to do.  The new plan was within the agenda papers and some key highlights included :-


·         Secure the Local Plan and refocus on delivery

·         Develop a new Town and Place Partnership to maximise the Council’s profile, increase inward investment and stimulate the visitor economy

·         Undertake feasibility studies into the next phase of development at the Cattle Market and into the future of leisure facilities in Melton.  These studies were crucial to ensure the Council was clear on its ambitions and that they were ultimately deliverable

·         Work to establish a Council owned housing company to support both the Council’s commercial and social ambitions

·         Increase capacity and capability to better tackle environmental issues, anti-social behaviour and nuisance

·         Review and improve the Council’s approach to supporting customers.  Initial reviews were planned within the People and Communities directorate and also in Planning

·         Undertake a review of all Council assets to maximise their value and usage

·         Implement a new Workforce Strategy to ensure the Council recruited, developed and retained the best possible team at Melton


(c)  Officers had reviewed available resources and identified where resources needed to be refocussed in order to support delivery of the new Corporate Delivery Plan.  The Council anticipated being able to contain the majority of required resources within existing budgets, with the exception of one supplementary estimate required to support the appointment of an environmental enforcement officer.  Whilst the Council was mindful of placing additional burdens on the Council’s finances, there was a belief this was proportionate and affordable.  The decision to support this also needed to be taken in the context of the anticipated positive outcome from the waste procurement process and the recent adoption of the new commercial strategy.  Member will also be aware that later in the year the council would be holding a further workshop to support the Council’s financial stability as plan B was developed and ensure the budget management strategy was sufficiently robust and achievable;


(d)  the final part of this first report confirmed the new corporate values.  These had been developed through extensive discussions with colleagues across the organisation and more recently with the Committee Chairs.  They were designed to be recognisable today but also to create a driver for change and a statement of the type of organisation the Council wanted to be come.  If the Corporate Delivery Plan set the direction, the new values set the way in which the Council will work to achieve them.  He proposed the recommendations in the report.


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Higgins, seconded the motion and supported what the Leader had said.  He stated that the Council was looking to change and be ambitious for the Melton’s future.  He referred to the focus on the vulnerable in the community and being nominated for awards for this work.  He said that if you were living in Melton, sent a child to school here, set up a business, bought a home, were a part of the community then the Council was on your side.  He recognised that there were issues around fly-tipping and this was being addressed and on the positive side there was huge backing from businesses and the public for the Melton Distribution Road and was hopeful that this would be delivered.


There was a view expressed that the Borough needed to be smarter in attracting business and although the Council cared for the vulnerable, it needed to concentrate on commerce and securing the Melton Distributor Road.  To make this happen and attract industry, larger houses needed to be built and there be less emphasis on smaller housing.  The Councillor referred to the Borough’s previous prosperity and considered that the Borough should look to industry setting up around the perimeters of the new road. The proposed new Policy Forum was mentioned and it was suggested that this should include an Opposition Member.


Councillors felt encouraged by the plan and recognised there were limitations but it would allow the Council to respond to people’s needs and concerns and to make Melton a better place to live and visit.  It was felt that communication with schools was also important in helping to support young people as they were the future. 


There was mention that the Council had limited services within its control and it needed to steer the locality in working with its partners.  The Council had to consciously work with others to bring the relief road to the Borough and it had influence with the Local Plan and determining the infrastructure for the new road and outlining where the new homes would go.  One of the Borough’s issues was the aging population and more homes were needed for younger people as currently there were jobs available but there were not enough  affordable homes for young people to live and work here.  Melton needed to expand and accept this and the Councillor was looking forward to the approval of the Local Plan and securing the money to start the new road.  


The Leader thanked Councillors for their comments and added that local schools had been contacted and he recognised that the aging population was an issue but felt the plan would create more opportunities for older people in Melton. 


On being put to the vote, the motion was unanimously carried.




(1)       the refreshed corporate mission, vision and priorities for Melton Borough Council be approved;


(2)       the new Corporate Delivery Plan including the prioritised projects and activities as specified in Appendix B be approved;


(3)       a new set of corporate values be approved;


(4)       to facilitate priority PL4 regarding environmental improvement, an additional recurring revenue budget of £40K funded by a supplementary estimate in 2018/19 from the Corporate Priorities Reserve be approved to enable the establishment of an Environmental Enforcement Officer post.