Issue - decisions

Review of Charges 2019/20 HRA

05/09/2018 - Review of Fees and Charges 2019/20 HRA

The Director for Corporate Services submitted a report to provide information on the review of fees and charges for 2019/20.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions of the officers.


The recommendation, was amended to include ‘2.)’ below, by Councillor Higgins.


Councillor Botterill seconded the amended motion.


During the debate a Member declared a non-pecuniary interest on this item and refrained from voting.


Nine Members voted in favour, one abstained due to a non-pecuniary interest.




(1)  It is recommended that the financial position on the HRA to 30 June 2018 and the yearend forecast be noted;


(2)  the Chairman to work with officers to establish the basis on which garages are let to non and look into commercial pricing structures for non council tenants.