Issue - decisions

New Bin Charging Policy

05/09/2018 - New Bin Charging Policy

The Director for Growth and Regeneration submitted a report to provide information on introducing charges for Wheeled Bins within the Borough.  The Director clarified that indirect costs had not been included in the figures provided to Members in the report and the figures in the appendix were indicative.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions of the officers.


An amendment to the recommendation was proposed by Councillor Higgins.


The amended recommendation was seconded by Councillor Glancy.


RESOLVED that the


(1)  Authority is to charge from 1st October 2018 for replacement wheeled bins and those with capacity outside of the standard provision at £37 per bin with a 50% concession for those on income related benefits. Revenue to be retained within the service;


(2)  Authority is to establish a wheeled bin charging policy from the details provided at section 3.8;


(3)  Authority for the Director of Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Democratic Services to develop and implement a charging policy and instigate the relevant action in relation to non-payment of these charges.