Issue - decisions

Use of Right to Buy Receipts to Buy Properties

05/09/2018 - Use of Retained Right to Buy Receipts to Buy Properties

The Director of Growth and Regeneration submitted a report to provide information on the retained Right to Buy receipts and outline the options for use.


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions of the officers.


The recommendation, as per the report with an amendment to paragraph 2.2 to include the Ward Member and Chair to be consulted, was moved.


The Chair sought a proposer and seconder.


All Members were in favour.




(1)  the Place Committee approve the purchase of new affordable rented housing as per section 3.12 to this report, Option 3;


(2)  the Director for Growth and Regeneration (in consultation with the Chair of the Place Committee, the Ward Member and the section 151 Officer) be authorised to purchase dwellings that are considered to be suitable for use as affordable housing, agree purchase prices and parameters and make any decisions required to effectively acquire the properties;


(3)  the Director for Legal and Democratic Services is authorised to negotiate and complete such documents as she deems necessary or desirable to conclude the transactions negotiated by the Director for Growth and Regeneration;


(4)  the section 151 Officer is authorised to use the Right to Buy receipts where necessary to fund the acquisition of the properties purchased under 2.1.