Issue - decisions

Leisure Facilities Project Update

31/10/2018 - Leisure Facilities Project Update

The Director for Growth and Regeneration submitted a report which updated the committee on the recommended approach to the development of leisure facilities and next steps.  She referred to the previous decision to align service contracts for both Council owned leisure facilities.  With contacts aligned until 2022, the Council undertook a full options appraisal and commissioned FMG, specialist leisure consultants to assist.  Their report provided the committee with an update on the work carried out to review leisure facilities within Melton and sets out a recommended way forward and associated investment options.   She further referred to the options appraisal in the exempt appendices and stated the clear conclusion that unilateral investment in leisure facilities, even if the two sites were consolidated into one, was unaffordable.  The only viable option therefore was a wider piece of work to undertake a full commercial development appraisal to explore how the Council extracted the most value from the site and identified ways to cross-subsidise and fund the Council’s plans for future leisure provision. 


One member commented that they would be keen to incorporate a café into any future provision as a way to generate additional income.  Also it was noted that the Melton Times had reported on the report and included comments from some of the sports clubs. 


The Chief Executive advised that a statement had already been issued which would be in the local press. He explained that the groups and clubs had recently been briefed on the current position and advised that a new facility was unaffordable through unilateral only investment.  He felt the groups and clubs were appreciative of the clarity and openness provided by the Council and were open minded in how any aspirations could be delivered using funding and commercial options from other partners. 


There was a member view that a new and improved leisure facility was urgently needed to fit the bigger picture of how Melton would develop with the relief road which it was hoped would bring bigger businesses, improved shopping and investment to the town. 


Another member endorsed a full review of the leisure facilities including the  market analysis on the current and future potential of leisure for the Borough.  The councillor had already received some positive and constructive  comments of what people would like to see in Melton and suggested that officers check these comments on social media. 


A member made reference to the history of the site and the loss of the school on the site.  The member referred to the usage by the sports clubs (excluding the Rugby Club) and the support the Council had offered them so far including subsidised rent in some cases.  There was mention of increasing public participation to help local sports clubs keep going and this was a community matter not just for the Council to address.  The site was in a far better condition than when it was purchased due to the Council’s commitment but it needed other investment to move forward.


Councillor de Burle moved the recommendations in the report and Councillor Freer-Jones seconded the motion.


On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


RESOLVED that the committee


(1)  note the FMG report as attached as exempt Appendix 1 to the report;


(2)  approve the approach to the development of leisure facilities and next steps as identified in paragraph 3.4 of the report;


(3)  approve the use of identified savings form the 2018/19 budget to undertake the next steps identified in paragraph 3.4 of the report.