Issue - decisions


26/02/2019 - Annual Report on Equality and Diversity

The People Manager provided a report to:


  • Update the Committee on the progress made by the Council to embed ‘Equality and Diversity’ within services, policy development and delivery; on work undertaken to meet our public sector equality duty as required by equality legislation and on the delivery of services which are accessible and meet the needs of Melton’s residents.


Reference was made to 3.4 showing the 4 equality objectives for the period 2016-2020.


Attention was drawn to 5.1 with an amendment to the opening line which should have read:


            The Council has an annual budget of £4,000 to help with the associated resourcing for Equality and Diversity. Support is provided through an agreement with an Equality and Diversity specialist….


Reference was made to 5.2 advising that the Single Equalities Scheme, Action Plan and set of Equality Objectives are reviewed every four years, the next one due 2020.




1.    the progress made in meeting the Council’s equalities duties and commitments as outlined in the report is noted.