Issue - decisions

Questions to Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity (Verbal Presentation to be Undertaken and Powerpoint Slides Circulated Following the Meeting)

12/08/2019 - Questions to Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity

The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, Councillor Higgins:


(a)  gave a presentation (copies of which had been circulated at this meeting and is attached), setting out current performance, focus and challenges for the portfolio around:-


·         Town Centre, Tourism, Events and Place Promotion

·         Economic Growth and Inward Investment

·         Planning Policy and Housing Delivery

·         Major Developments


(b)  asked Members if the format of the presentation had been useful and advised that more in-depth information would be provided as the portfolio grew.


Members commented that the presentation had been helpful and they looked forward to receiving more information in due course.


A Member asked if it was viable for the Council to set up a housing company to tackle housing needs.  The Councillor Higgins provided a brief overview of how a housing company would work and the Director for Growth and Regeneration, Mrs. Parikh advised that there was an appetite for this.  The Council had approved it in principle last year and an outline business case has been prepared.  Drafting a detailed business case was the next stage, once development information was in place.


A Member queried if there had been any progress on car parking charges, in relation to pay on departure.  Councillor Higgins confirmed that he had raised this with Mrs. Parikh.  This could increase revenue for the Council.


Another Member asked if developers would find it more viable to build if the ‘builder’s contribution’ was ended.  Councillor Higgins advised that the contributions were required to provide community facility but viability was taken into account.


Referring to the Council’s five year land supply, a Member asked how many new homes could be built during that time.  The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services, Mr. Worley advised that the Council’s supply was just under eight years and this equated to approximately 2,500 new homes which could be built.


Another Member commented that tourism formed part of this portfolio and enquired whether the Council should recruit a Tourism Officer.  Councillor Higgins advised that as yet it was unclear what the remit of such a position would be and there was no money available to fund this role.  It was highly likely that if the Council did wish to recruit a Tourism Officer, the position would be funded through the revenue it created and should be partly supported by the businesses it would be involved with.