Issue - decisions


19/11/2019 - 19/00256/FUL

Applicant:  Mrs J E Dolan

Location:   Land north of 55 Main Street, Kirby Bellars

Proposal:  Proposed erection of three, two bedroom single storey detached dwellings and associated access and landscaping


The Development Manager (LP) addressed the Committee and provided a brief summary of the application. 


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Para 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chairman allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


  1. Kirby Bellars Parish Council (Objecting to the recommendation to refuse)


Following questions it was confirmed:


  • A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment had been carried out some years ago which had identified a need for small affordable housing.  Further details on this report would be looked for.


  1. Jo Dolan - Applicant


  1. Councillor R Browne – Ward Councillor (Opposing the recommendations in the report)


During discussion the following points were noted:

  1. If it could be evidenced that Kirby Bellars had a need through a formal needs study then the application may satisfy the requirement of Policy SS3;
  2. The applicants voluntary offer of a s.106 agreement to provide one of the bungalows as a starter home, should be acknowledged;
  3. Members liked the scheme but accepted that it did not meet the high bar of Policy SS2 and there were no exceptional reasons to go against that policy;
  4. The Village were keen to attract new housing and become more sustainable but unfortunately to current Local Plan did not facilitate this desire.


Councillor Higgins proposed that the application be deferred to allow a housing need survey to be carried out in order to provide evidence in accordance with Policy SS3.  The application should be reconsidered in light of this information and alongside the voluntary contribution for affordable housing.  This was seconded by Councillor Faulkner.




That application 19/00256/FUL be DEFERRED pending further information on housing need in Kirby Bellars.


(9 In favour, 1 against)