1) Cabinet APPROVED the draft Melton Borough Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2020 as shown at Appendix 1 and the commencement of statutory consultation;
2) Cabinet DELEGATED authority to the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to consider and address any objections and amend the proposed Order if necessary following statutory consultation;
3) Cabinet NOTED that any additional income received from the two additional chargeable parking bays at St Marys Way shall be used to fund initiatives in support of the Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency.
Reason for decisions
ensure the order and charging schedule is reasonable and proportionate for
residents and visitors to Melton Borough.
ensure the content of the parking order enables proper enforcement within MBC
owned car parks.
cover the increasing costs of car parks to the Council following the freeze in
prices over the last 4 years.
enable the introduction of cashless payment systems throughout Council owned
car parks increasing choice for residents and visitors.