Issue - decisions

Report of the Scrutiny Housing Management Voids and Temporary Accommodation Task and Finish Group


Cabinet APPROVED the recommendations of the Task and Finish Group – housing Voids Management and Temporary Accommodation, subject to some minor amendments as detailed below.




1)    A review of the voids module within the Northgate Housing Management System is undertaken and recommendations proposed to Senior Leadership Team as to how an improved system can be implemented along with revenue expenditure required. 

2)    To consult tenants in relation to the implementation of a Golden Goodbye scheme that incentivises tenants to return their home in a good standard that in turn reduces void time and void costs to Melton Borough Council.

Subject to the outcomes of this consultation, to introduce the Golden Goodbye Scheme on a temporary basis for one year after which time continuation of the scheme to depend on the evaluation of outcomes and success factors.

3)    The development of a framework that includes TFEC in the monthly monitoring of voids and includes a written protocol from both parties so as to clarify expectations.

4)    To reduce, with the aim of eliminating, use of private Bed and Breakfasts by introducing alternatives with options developed by officers for consideration by Cabinet by the end of July 2020.

5)    To review contract arrangements with contractors to ensure sufficient quality and control and explore the potential to move to a single trusted contractor to manage all aspects of voids work.

6)    A review of the Allocations Policy by July 2020.

7)    The development and implementation of a new Voids Policy by July 2020.

8)    The implementation of new Tenant visits on occupation and again after 6 weeks.

9)    To provide an interim report to Scrutiny Committee in July 2020 detailing progress against recommendations and a full report in January 2021 to evidence the impact of improvements.


Reason for the decision

Following careful evaluation of the evidence, the Task and Finish Group believe that the recommendations contained within the final report will ensure that alternative, more cost effective options for Temporary Accommodation are explored and void times are significantly reduced. The Group are confident that if these recommendations are accepted and implemented they will lead to better outcomes for tenants and prospective tenants and also have a positive impact on the Council’s financial position.


At their meeting on 7 January 2020 the Scrutiny Committee approved that the report and the recommendations should be forwarded to Cabinet for approval.


Cabinet agreed with the outcomes of the Task and Finish Group Report subject to some minor amendments to the proposed recommendations in light of the management response provided at Appendix B of the report.