Issue - decisions

Receipt of Grant Funding and Future of Tennis Provision




2.1  RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that £113,300 is added to the 2020/21 Capital Programme in relation to improvements at the tennis courts.

2.2  NOTED funding total of £103,900 to deliver the required improvements to the tennis courts at the Melton Sports Village as detailed in paragraph 1.2 above.

2.3 Subject to the Council approving the recommendation at 2.1:

2.3.1 RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that £9,400 be provided from capital receipts to support the remaining costs of delivering the project.

2.3.2 AUTHORISED a variation to the contract with the current Leisure Provider SLM noting the financial impact as outlined in para 8.3 to remove the responsibilities relating to the tennis courts with a delegation to the Director of Housing and Communities to finalise the agreement.

2.3.3 AUTHORISED the procurement for project works, and delegates to authority to the Director of Housing & Communities the award any subsequent contract.

2.3.4 AUTHORISED a 24 year lease with MMTC for the tenure of the tennis facilities site, and delegates to the Director for Housing & Communities in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services to negotiate, agree and enter into any such lease agreement.