Issue - decisions

Award of Leisure Contract Extension




1)     NOTED the decisions taken to date in respect of the interim support provided to the Leisure Operator, Sports Leisure Management (SLM) during closure & remobilisation periods, and the Deed of Variation agreed for the period September 2020 to March 2021;


2)     APPROVED the extension of the contracts for Waterfield Leisure Centre (WLC) and Melton Sports Village (MSV) for a period of 2 years, on the basis of the contract terms detailed in the report and the financial information in Appendix A;


3)     DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to finalise and enter into any contract / property documentation necessary to affect the extension within the parameters set out in this report;


4)     APPROVED further work to be undertaken on:


(a)   the options around the Council’s offer to residents in respect of leisure services from April 2024;


(b)   an options appraisal of Council-owned leisure sites in the context of the Council’s Corporate Asset Management Strategy;


(c)   the recommendations from 2.4.a and 2.4.b to be submitted for Cabinet’s consideration in February 2022.