Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Monitoring April-latest period 2017(please ensure that this item is on the agenda BEFORE the capital programme 2017-2022 item below)

07/12/2017 - Capital Programme Monitoring to 31 October 2017 and Capital Programme 2017-2022

The Corporate Director submitted a report to update the Committee on the progress of schemes within the Capital Programme to 31 October 2017. And to determine the Committee’s Capital Programme for 2017-22 based on a review of spending in the current year’s programme and schemes included in the programme for later years.


The Corporate Director presented the report and explained that the welfare reform scheme is recommended to be removed from the programme and the telephony upgrade deferred to 2018/19. One new project relating to an IT server was put forward for approval which subject to approval by the council as part of the budget setting process can be funded by the renewal and repairs fund.


The Corporate Director explained to a Member that the telephony system is being upgraded and is delayed to ensure that the system links to the Customer Relationship Management system. One option that is being explored is Skype for Business which would mean further work around a new system would be required.


A Member stated that he can support this upgrade but thought £50k was a small budget to upgrade a telephony system and stated that with a good system then it could reduce demand and the Council could benefit massively. It was clarified that the telephony upgrade was only for the contact centre and the IT client thought this was a large budget for what is required.


All recommendations were moved by Councillor Orson and Councillor Higgins seconded.


All Members were unanimously in favour.




1) the progress made on the capital schemes as attached at Appendix A be noted.


2) the revised Capital Programme for 2017-22 attached at Appendix B be approved.


3) the project mandate in relation to the Northgate Server attached at Appendix C be approved.