Issue - decisions

UK Shared Prosperity Fund




1.    CONFIRMED commitment to delivery of the UKSPF Investment plan as previously submitted to Government.

2.    DELEGATED Authority to Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, to authorise spend and undertake decisions, approvals and awards of contract that ensure continued delivery of the UKSPF programme in line with the investment plan. This is to include, not only council led projects, but also where funding needs to be released for delivery by a third party (via grants, commissioning, procurement of services etc).

3.    DELEGATED authority to Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, to make amendments to the plan, as required, and to submit change requests to Govt, relating to the delivery of Melton’s UKSPF programme, in accordance with the requirements of the fund.

4.    DELEGATED authority to the Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Growth and Prosperity, to agree and implement the Council’s Business Grant policy and to make any future amendments required to continue to deliver the UKSPF investment plan.