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Register of interests
Councillor Sarah Cox
This register of interests was published on Monday, 18th November, 2024, 9.48 am.
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I, Councillor Sarah Cox being an elected Member of Melton Borough Council give notice that I have set out below, under the appropriate headings, the interests which I am required to declare by law and under the Melton Borough Council Code of Conduct. I have put “none” where there are no such interests under any heading (this includes interests of any spouse, civil partner or person with whom the Member lives as a spouse or civil partner).
1. Employment - details of employment / office / trade / profession / vocation carried out for profit or gain.
Name of Person with Interest
Name and Brief Description of Business
Sarah Cox
Charity Manager, the Melton Learning Hub
Adrian Cox (Husband)
Transport Co-ordinator, the Melton Learning Hub Also runs an Air BNB from home address
2. Sponsorships - details of payment / provision of other financial benefit received within the last 12 months, in respect of expenses incurred in carrying out duties as a Member / towards election expenses (including payment / financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992).
Name of Provider
Financial / Other Benefit
Labour Party
Paid for Election materials
3. Contracts - details of contracts made between you / a body you have an interest in and the Authority, under which goods / services are to be provided / works are to be executed and are not yet fully discharged.
Name of Person / Body with Interest
Nature of Contract Including Duration
4. Land - details of land within the Authority's area, in which you have a beneficial interest.
Name of Person with Interest
Address/Description of Land
Sarah Cox
REDACTED - Interest withheld under Part 1, Chapter 7, Section 32(2) of the Localism Act 2011
5. Licences - details of land within Authority's area, in which you have a licence (either alone or jointly with others) to occupy for 1 month or longer.
Name of Person with Interest
Address / Discription of Land
6. Corporate Tenancies - details of land you / a body you have an interest in are the tenants of and the Authority is the landlord.
Name of Person with Interest
Address / Description of Land
Sarah Cox
The Venue - Phoenix House, Nottingham Road - this is an operating base of the Melton Learning Hub
7. Securities - details of beneficial interests held in the securities of a body within the Authority's area, where (i) the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25k / one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body or (ii) where the share capital of that body is more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capitlal of that class.
Name of Person with Interest
Name of Body
8. Interests in Other Bodies - details of membership / position of general control / management for (i) a body to which you have been appointed / nominated by the Authority, as its representative (ii) a public body / body exercising functions of a public nature (iii) a body directed to charitable purposes; (iv) a body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion / policy (including any political party or trade union).
Name of Body
Interest (Member / Trustee / Governor)
The Melton Learning Hub
9. Gifts and Hospitality - details of gifts / hospitality received from any person / body with an estimated value of £50 or over, together with the interests of that person or body (Members must record the offer of gifts / hospitality not accepted and are encouraged to record those which are below the value of £50).
Date and Detail of Gift / Hospitality
Name of Person / Body Offering Gift / Hospitality and Estimated Value
I recognise that failure to disclose a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest would constitute a criminal offence.
I also recognise that failure to provide accurate information regarding my Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, my other personal interests and gifts and hospitality received would constitute a breach of the Melton Borough Council’s Code of Conduct.
I acknowledge that I am obliged to give further notices in order to keep my declaration up to date.