
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

10/11/2023 - Arrears Recovery Capacity (Housing) ref: 3337    Recommendations Approved

To implement a rent arrears recovery plan to accelerate progress in collection of rent arrears owed to the council.

Decision Maker: Director for Housing and Communities

Decision published: 24/11/2023

Effective from: 30/11/2023



  1. To appoint, via suitably qualified agency staff, to the following posts for a period of 12 months:


    1. Senior Housing Officer, Rents (23 hours per week)
    2. Team Assistant, Rents (Full Time) 


  1. To fund the required temporary staff from the HRA Regeneration and Development Reserve.


Lead officer: Alison Bennett

22/11/2023 - UKSPF Grant - LRSN Farmers' Health Checks ref: 3336    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 24/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


To provide a grant to LRSN £32,597 over 2 years (£19,801 in year one, with a possible extension based on successful reporting and delivery of outcomes for £12,796 in year two) to support the continuation of the Health Checks at the cattle market to improve accessibility of health services for those in the rural, farming, and agricultural industries.


Lead officer: Gordon Watts

22/11/2023 - Extend contract for Senior Planning Policy Officer ref: 3334    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 23/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


Extend the contract of the existing agency Senior Planning Policy Officer to assist with the Local Plan Review from December 2023 to end of March 2024, or until the substantive post is filled (with 1 week overlap).

Lead officer: Sarah Legge

22/11/2023 - Extension of contract for agency Development Management Officer ref: 3333    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Growth and Regeneration

Decision published: 23/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


1.     To extend the contract of an existing agency Planning Development Officer for a period of 4 months to assist with clearing the backlog of planning applications that has increased whilst formal recruitment has been undertaken.

Lead officer: Sarah Legge

22/11/2023 - Change of Establishment: Governance & Democracy - changes to staffing structure ref: 3335    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 23/11/2023

Effective from: 22/11/2023


1.    To approve the changes to the Governance & Democracy staffing establishment and structure as set out at para 8 below, ie

(i)            Delete one of the career graded Senior Lawyer posts (up to band 13) and create a new Legal Services Manager post (Band 14, subject to evaluation) to manage the legal service;

(ii)          To replace the Democratic Services Manager post and create a new Lawyer, Governance role, to provide specialist governance advice, manage the Democratic Services function and to act as Deputy Monitoring Officer.

(iii)         To amend the Admin Officer post from a .8 FTE to a full-time post to increase resilience and support for the Governance & Democracy Team;

(iv)         To delete the existing Information Governance Officer role (Band 8) and replace with a new part-time 0.6 fte Information Governance Lawyer Role (up to Band 11);

2.    To agree to the additional cost of £4510.00 to be added to the Governance & Democracy staffing budget to fund the cost of the changes to the establishment.

Lead officer: Alison McKane

20/11/2023 - Aids and Adaptations Policy Exemption (Council Properties) ref: 3331    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Housing and Communities

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 20/11/2023


To apply Aids and Adaptations policy exceptions to enable the successful completion of necessary aids and adaptations to a council property and specifically:


1.     To exceed the usual Aids and Adaptations policy position to enable the completion of necessary work at a cost of more than £15,000 and;


2.     To exceed the upper limit of £30,000 as set out within the Aids and Adaptations policy for necessary works property.

Lead officer: Christopher Flannery

20/11/2023 - Award of Enforcement Agent Contract ref: 3332    Recommendations Approved

To award the enforcement agent contract.

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property & Resources

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


1.     To award the contract for Enforcement Agent Services to the preferred suppliers thorough the YPO framework


2.     To enter into any necessary legal documentation to effect the award

Lead officer: Nick Sach

10/11/2023 - Asfordby Neighbourhood Development Plan - Regulation 19 decision statement ref: 3330    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 17/11/2023

Effective from: 10/11/2023


Authority to ‘make’ the Asfordby Neighbourhood Development Plan part of Melton Borough Council’s Development Plan.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


·       Crime and Disorder


·       Housing Ombudsman Annual Report 2022/23


Cabinet AGREED to have regard to the Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.


15/11/2023 - ACQUISITION OF AFFORDABLE HOMES TO SPEND RIGHT TO BUY RECEIPTS ref: 3323    Recommendations Approved

It is proposed that Cabinet delegates authority to the Director of Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services, to purchase houses in accordance with the Right to Buy budget, to ensure that spend targets for the years 2023/24 and 2024/25 are met on time.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 21/11/2023




1)     NOTED the need to spend Right to Buy receipts for the 2023/24 spending requirement, to enable the acquisition of affordable homes;


2)     DELEGATED authority to the Director for Housing and Communities in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services to purchase homes in accordance with the budget for spending Right to Buy receipts to meet the 2023-24 spending requirement.

Lead officer: Tahir Majid

15/11/2023 - MID YEAR TREASURY MANAGEMENT REPORT 2023/24 ref: 3322    Recommendations Approved

Providing information on Treasury activity and Prudential Indicators for the period.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


Cabinet RECOMMENDED to Council that:


1)    The mid-year position on treasury activity for 2022-23 be noted;


2)    The mid-year position on Prudential Indicators for 2022-23 be noted.

Lead officer: David Scott

15/11/2023 - QUARTER 2 GENERAL FUND REVENUE AND CAPITAL BUDGET MONITORING REPORT 2023/24 ref: 3321    Recommendations Approved

Information on the year end forecast and financial position for the General Fund and Special Expenses for both revenue and capital.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


Cabinet NOTED the year end forecast and financial position for the General Fund both general and Special Expenses at 30 September 2023 for both revenue and capital.

Lead officer: Natasha Allsopp


Information on actual expenditure and income incurred on the Housing Revenue Account, compared to the latest approved budget for the period.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023


Cabinet NOTED the financial position on the Housing Revenue Account at 30 September 2023 and the year-end forecast for both revenue and capital.

Lead officer: Carol King

16/11/2023 - Appointment of Temporary Surveyor ref: 3329    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Housing and Communities

Decision published: 16/11/2023

Effective from: 16/11/2023


1.     Authority to appoint a temporary Void and Response Repairs Officer

Lead officer: Christopher Flannery

15/11/2023 - PLANNING ENFORCEMENT POLICY ref: 3319    Recommendations Approved

A policy how the Council deal with planning enforcement complaints.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/11/2023

Effective from: 15/11/2023




1)    APPROVED the Planning Enforcement Policy for adoption and publication on the Council’s website;


2)    DELEGATED authority to the Director for Growth and Regeneration (in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder) to make any further changes to the Policy, arising from the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act.

Lead officer: Sarah Legge

10/11/2023 - Award of Contract - Domestic and Commercial Heating Servicing, Maintenance and Replacement ref: 3328    Recommendations Approved

To appoint a contractor to undertake gas safety checks, servicing and new installation of a range of heating types.

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council & Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure & Landlord Services

Decision published: 14/11/2023

Effective from: 18/11/2023


1.     To award a contract for heating maintenance in council homes to Aaron Services Ltd.

2.     To enter into any necessary legal documentation to effect the award

Lead officer: Christopher Flannery

09/11/2023 - Release funds for replacement wood chipper ref: 3327    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for Housing and Communities

Decision published: 13/11/2023

Effective from: 09/11/2023


To procure a replacement woodchipper to enable the Environmental Maintenance team to efficiently deliver a service that complies with health and safety regulations